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    Qualitative Aspects of Extra-Morphological Activity On Anatomic Sections of Reverted Homeotic.... [17/8/2007]
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    Qualitative Aspects of Extra-Morphological Activity On Anatomic Sections Of Reverted Homeotic Segregants of the Winged Bean Psophocarpus Tetragonolobus (L.) DC Under Laboratory Conditions Laboratory studies on anatomical sections from reverted segregants of the winged bean Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC, homozygous for a recessive homeotic gene in its activated state, revealed four stages of morphological transformation. Normal floral specimens reverted from the sexual reproductive function to an asexual photosynthetic function with no further activity (previous analysis). In laboratory, reverted specimens could remain inactive or show three types of extra-morphological activity. These types were: extra-vegetative activity (33.71%), extra-rhizogenous activity (35.96%), both these forms of extra-morphological activity (30.34%). This activity, in terms of sites on anatomic sectons, showed significant occurrence at the pre-whorl bract regions, plus two of the four floral whorl regions, i.e. the calyx (sepals) or first whorl and the ovary (carpel) or fourth whorl. Data shows that the one gene already identified width this morphological transformation, besides being homeotic and recessive, is also a natural morphological mutant thats is nonepigenetic.
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