November 30, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 6:21 pm

PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário

Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima                           16 November, 2011       XLI:3

Trav. Carlos Pontes, 171                                    

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                                 e-mail:


Dear Colleagues, Family, Friends and Benefactors:

The symbols are plethora. Many are ancient, dating from centuries, even millennia past. Specific signs mark a promise made not only to a people, but to a species that had been tricked, confused and confounded into following an aberrant promise;

Partake of the forbidden and you shall become like God, Almighty God.

Enticed as such, our progenitors (“First Parents”) fell into evil, the demonic grasp. Thus we became alienated from our Creator, from each other even from ourselves with divisions, perversions, proclivities and degenerations that social analyses have been mightily trying to explain for centuries.

Yet only one course presents the way, that of transcendental surrender, and only one Promise (The Redeemer) has the power for our recovery. That Promise was given by the Creator, Almighty God, for the One Savior who would redeem the world. He marked that Promise clear and solid with messengers throughout the centuries so that the arrival of that Savior could clearly be anticipated, perceived, recognized and known. However confusion by the tempter remained strong and the arrival of that Savior was a little-known truth recognized and received by a materially impoverished and socially despised but spiritually empowered group that can only be described as peripheral. He Himself Jesus Christ lived on the periphery of established society. Yet He manifest the Divine Presence among us and drew to Himself members of all classes of that species which had been degraded by evil those many centuries earlier.

He is one of us and lived as we do in all except sin. Rejected by the world, He found acceptance by those among us who, although degraded by sin, are not of the world and thus received the blessing to hear Him. His message was and remains short and clear;

“Follow Me!”

Nations, empires, powers and principalities have opposed Him. They still do because they fear Him, his Call, his Message. His signs and symbols are rejected even today as a degraded world (and many in this world) seek to hide Him and hide themselves from Him confirming one of the declarations in the Prayer of Glory:

“…as it was in the beginning, is now..”

Laws, edicts, declarations and threats are aimed at anyone who would receive Him, especially publically. Yet a distinct part of us remains faithful to Him as He never quits on us. He personally remains with us as I pray that you (we) be loyal to Him and in Him, in a communion that gathers us in spirit notwithstanding vast geographic separation as I wish you:


Sincerely in Jesus Christ

Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

September 1, 2011

XLI:2 Life at the Periphery

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 12:04 pm

PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário

Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima                                              18 August, 2011           XLI:2

Trav. Carlos Portes, 171                                     

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                                 e-mail:


Dear Benefactors, Colleagues, Friends and Family:

Life at the periphery of a unit (physical, biological, social, spiritual, structure or class) has a distinction of its own marked by qualities of that unit, yet most definite in its own character. Mutants of a population, criminals of a society, foreigners in a nation, prisoners of a judgment, soldiers in a campaign, prophets of Almighty God, warriors in battle, monks in a monastery, pundits of a culture, ministers of a faith exemplify groups whose presence within a unit raise questions, interest and even ire of those more integrated within that unit. Integration has its values but it is “virtuous diversity” that leads to plurality. Membership in more than one such peripheral unit simultaneously is entirely possible.

For those at the main stream, localization at one or more peripheral positions can seem odd and even harsh. Establishment within periphery can present challenges and even problems. Adjustment to periphery demands major shifts in sleep, nutrition, activity and physical conditions. Yet once established that adjustment can present a dynamic in self-discipline characterized by prolonged and perseverant presence; the “long-haul”. A member can find a definite rhythm to life through the navigation of periphery. John the Baptist, Gregor Mendel, Thomas Aquinas, Alexander Soljenitzen, Wernher vonBraun, Thomas More, Rupert Mayer, Ông Cao Quang M? are among a now-recognized elite whose positions (and situations) were peripheral and even marginal; anything but socially elite. Their social circles being limited, permitted time to think, pray and meditate on questions whose spiritual demands were complemented by intellectual implications. At periphery time and solitude can be most abundant. The peripheralized may speak precious little in words yet say volumes by his mere presence.

Assets at periphery are usually vastly varied from those of main-stream society. Food is usually basic and minimal as is the drink available to the peripheralized. Refection may be once or twice a day, and at times not even that. One learns to consume creatures and entities that are otherwise shunned or even rejected by polished society. Morsels of the meadow, fungus of the forest and samples of the swamp present additions to the menu that are diverse and mysterious. Paradoxically such “trash” can have sustaining value well beyond that of socially established diets as the prophet Daniel and his companions demonstrated during the Jewish Babylonian Captivity.

While presently recognized as the most significant individual in history, Jesus Christ was anything but a mainstream personality during His time in this life. Popular but peripheralized, that peripheralization reached the point of persecution and brutal execution. His conquest of both persecution and death is well chronicled in Revelation and the Holy Scripture. He continues to call, to invite. That Call promises challenge and at times even peripheralization, a call to immortality.

I cannot claim to be at periphery but I can acknowledge those who are. Their company and witness especially during these 27 years in Holy Orders has been magnificent. I thank them and I thank God.

Sincerely in Jesus Christ

Ed Benya, S.J.

June 2, 2011

XXX VIII:2 Religious life: 34th Anniversary (2008)

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Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima                         6 August, 2008              XXXVIII:2

Trav. Carlos Portes, 171

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                               e-mail:


Dear Benefactors, Family and Friends,

A social circle is unique to each individual. No one person has the same complement of friends, colleagues, adversaries or enemies. Besides the human component, one’s social circle usually includes various non-human but animate creatures whose zoological classification can run a gamut of taxonomic complexity. These include pets, beasts of burden, pests and various “strays” whose presence  (generally unplanned on our part) bring surprise, chagrin, anger and even laughter to one’s life. Add to these a diversity of botanic entities whose presence at the staple level serves for food and/or clothing, and whose floral qualities can contribute an esthetic aspect to our existence. Move a step further to the spiritual level where angelic and other metaphysical beings make their presence felt, and one has a hierarchy of interwoven entities whose activities, antics and interactions define a communion that defies explanation by anyone (or anything) short of Almighty God.

Unique as one’s social circle is, this communion with “others” is just as unique in its structure, direction and dynamic. In our childhood we tend to be ignorant of it. In our youth we may be confused by it. At middle age we can be irked by it. However at maturity we may actually be amused by it. Defeats, sadness, conquests and even an occasional victory mark our presence in and through this communion. Most of us seem to be survivors, for better or for worse, of the communion of which we are a part, and which is a part of us. Final judgment of survival of course, rests only with God, but He gives us gentle signs of our progress, regression and position within that communion. These signs serve to help us adjust our personal orientation within that communion and thus trod to our appointed place in Eternity.

These past  34 years since entering religious life, 25 years since diaconal ordination and 24 years since presbyteral ordination have seen my social circle amplify. My communion with all of you is continually finding new depths as our respective spiritual and physical journey in this life find solid direction to eternity. Many have already arrived at that eternal point. The rest of us continue, our personal limits notwithstanding, in a physical and spiritual communion whose blessings to and for me are among the most magnificent of gifts bestowed by God. I thank Him and I thank you.

Gratefully in Christ

Ed Benya, S.J.

May 2, 2011

XXXVIII:3 Christmas-New Year PAST (2008)

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 12:42 pm

Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima                    14 November, 2008         XXXVIII:3

Trav. Carlos Portes, 171

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                               e-mail:


Dear Family, Benefactors, and Friends,

Repetition is essential to salvation! Almighty God knows it and we need it. We generally need to be told more than once, both collectively and individually, what the Almighty is calling us to do. This problem has been with us for centuries, even millennia. Jesus Christ’s first vicar, St. Peter received the brilliant point of revelation that his Master is the Messiah. Christ lauded him for this. However Peter then, immediately put his foot into his mouth by telling, not asking, Christ not even to consider the brutal end to which that Messianic vocation would lead. Jesus dutifully rebuked Peter publicly as being “Satan”; quite an interchange between two friends.

Saint Paul, the last of the original Apostles, had a “thorn of Satan” which tormented him. Three times he asked God to free him of this thorn. Three times he got the same answer from God;…”No!”; and the last time he received and apparently unexpected explanation; “My grace is sufficient for you!”

Yours truly has been anything but immune to such spiritual lethargy. For an assortment of reasons, covering various phases of my life both before and after becoming a Religious, I placed before God the question of pursuing doctoral studies on my part. Three times He responded with the same answer:…”No!”, and the third time I received a very unexpected codicil: “Do not ask again!”

Repetition on the part of the Creator seems to be necessary not so much because we are evil (which essentially we are NOT), but on the very obvious point that we are spiritually “DENSE”. Most of us require repetition in order to grasp any immortal or eternal truth. This probably reflects something of our limits on all fronts including a certain timidity specific to us as a species. We can easily be confused especially in the immediacy of temptation. A tempter (Satan or any other demon) knows this. In fact some point of confusion is necessary at any time that we fall into temptation and then into sin. Our tendency is to discern whatever is calling or moving us, an excellent start to objectivity. Obscuring that objectivity however is our capacity to become fixed in or on anything that attracts us. Almighty God knows this. He does not seem to enjoy repeating Himself, yet mercifully does so up to and including his physical visit among us as one of us.

We celebrate His first visit as the Savior, Jesus Christ, each year in various traditions, feasts and solemnities during the Advent-Christmas-New Years Season; a visit quietly initiated over 2000 years past. That visit however was and is nothing in isolation. At its end, Jesus promised a return in Glory as Judge at a time kept well secret from us but being distinctly signaled to us. Be alert! Be prepared! Be aware as you celebrate a:

Most Joyful Christmas and Blessed New Year of 2009!

Yours faithfully in Christ

Ed Benya, S.J.

March 21, 2011

XLI:1 Lenten-Pascal, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 7:16 pm


R. Aloysio Sehnem, 186                                                   17 March, 2011             XLI:1


Cx. P. 101

93.001-970 São Leopoldo, RS

BRASIL                                                           e-mail:

Dear Colleagues, Benefactors, Family and Friends:

My personal insufficiency of Fortitude and proclivity to outright impatience embrace a time span measured more in decades rather than just years. My tendency is to Force results rather than allow them to emerge. Age and maturity have diminished the problem but I still lack perfection.

Force is a mysterious entity. Distinct from Power, it can most simply be considered as a body of energy. Given direction that energy can serve a purpose, beneficial or adverse.

Combined with evil, Force becomes violent. Violence turns otherwise laudable qualities into vice and ruin. It is common enough in a world where good and evil are mixed and confused. Born of evil, violence is a degenerative force that must confuse, perplex, disorient, and deceive before it can capture, possess, violate, degrade and finally destroy. Violence cannot function as force without deceit. Clearly present in any context, it would be openly rejected by anyone even of minimal virtue. Violence cannot “force” its vicious effects.

Yet Force combined with virtue yields Power, a benevolent presence of Divine origin. Power has many forms all of which are generous and even generative. Empowering any mortal being, Almighty God bequeaths upon that being immortal qualities, surprising and at times as frightening to the recipient as to the community of which he is a part. Ask any mystic. Their vocations verify this.

However Power, as with any other gift, demands specific self-discipline in its reception and exercise. Bestowed as a dynamic, its effects function as a dynamic OF GOD through the one empowered BY GOD. Applied with virtue, one’s power expands and amplifies. Abused in vice, power diminishes and degenerates to violent force. The pervert is content with  demonic power, violent force. The virtuous seeks better. That search (constant during one’s time in this life) is embodied in the life and vocation of every saint. They continually seek the best for and in Almighty God. Only in Eternal Union with God do they reach perfection.

That constant search is consecrated in Jesus Christ whose gift of Salvation empowers all of us for that search, navigating this life toward Eternal Union. On our own, we are absolutely incapable of that Union, yet in His Virtue (notwithstanding our weaknesses, vices and sins) we are well fitted to the task. We celebrate that empowerment each year in a special way in the Judeo- Christian Tradition at the Lenten-Easter Season, the Victory of Jesus Christ over the Satanic Forces, empowering us in Salvation to Eternal Life.

Have a Happy, Blessed and Holy Lenten-Pascal tide!

Sincerely in Jesus Christ

Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

December 1, 2010

XL:3 Hanukkah-Advent-Christmas Season 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 12:18 pm


R. Aloysio Sehnem, 186                               18 November, 2010       XL:3


Cx. P. 101

93.001-970 São Leopoldo, RS

BRASIL                                                           e-mail:

Dear Family, Colleagues, Friends and Benefactors:

“Good-by!” (God be with you!), Vai com Deus! [Great way to start a message!]

Dating from antiquity, this declaration of exit has served as a gesture of departure in diverse cultures, regions and languages throughout the world. Short, profound and complete, it captures the essence of the spiritual ties that bond individuals in their migrations even as physical ties are stretched or even broken.

It also captures something of the essential flexibility to which man (humanity) is called in this life as we navigate a world that is both home and alien to us. Natural and attractive in its beauty and grandeur, this world presents perils to a species called to steward it through a self-discipline that is divine in origin. Frequently we fail in that stewardship not because of personal evil or design, but by confusion, ineptitude and lack of self-discipline.

Confusion can arise as we forget that Almighty God creates and places us here, not in retirement but in responsibility to recognize, understand, harness and direct the resources of the world through a personal dominance and application of our own unique talents and gifts. Those talents and gifts themselves must be discerned and developed through the self-discipline which in itself is in constant flux. The entire venture can be confusing and exhausting to the point where we are tempted to desist, QUIT.

Frequently we do so, merely seeking not only legitimate rest but complete escape, quitting on ourselves, on others and on God. Since the time of our first parents confusion, fall and escape have plagued humanity, always together, in tandem, never separate. Every sprit of evil in every temptation knows that these three perils must be combined, because notwithstanding our ignorance and frailty, we innately seek The Good and try to avoid evil.

Yet God never quits on us. He realizes our propensity for confusion, tendency to fall and proclivity to quit, desisting from the continuous navigation that should mark our progress in this world, meeting each other in HIM, forming personal communion with each other in HIM, yet departing physically from each other (taking leave of each other) as HE calls. HE forgives our sins and raises us. HE renews and reinvigorates us. HE journeys with us.

Even as we fell completely as a species, HE remained with us entering into our perplexity, bestowing salvation and the sacramental instruments to renew our spirit. We celebrate that Arrival and Presence in this Hanukkah-Advent-Christmas Season; God with us. Grateful for that presence through HIM and in all of you, I wish you

A Holy Christmas and a Blessed Year of 2011!

Yours sincerely in Jesus Christ

Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

September 13, 2010

XL:2 Messengers

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 7:16 pm


R. Aloysio Sehnem, 186                                       16 August, 2010           XL:2


Cx. P. 101

93.001-970 São Leopoldo, RS

BRASIL                                                           e-mail:

Dear Friends, Colleagues, Benefactors and Family:

Messengers take risks. As carriers of information they tend to be perceived as the origin of that information. Many times news within a message is disquieting or perturbing and the messenger can be the first to suffer persecution. At times news can be most agreeable, calming and even a relief especially if one has been following a delicate situation with interest, focus and attention. Messages of the birth of a child, resolution of a dispute, solution of a problem, are generally agreeable. A message of congratulations, recognition or simple comradery is usually most welcome. Yet the adage that “no news is good news” implies that any news of a situation or entity will be disquieting to the one who receives that news. Many people do not like surprises. Thus arises the original aversion toward messages. Humans tend to prefer a quiet, predictable flow to and of events.

Still, messages are essential to communication among us, between us, through us and for us. This last essential (“for us”) can be most perturbing especially if Almighty God is the Author of a message. His messengers have to be complete in their preparation and dedication so that the message be exact in its delivery. Holy angels serve this task perfectly. Spiritual messengers, the term “angel” means “messenger”. When not discharging the messenger function, these spirits are something else. At times one hears the lamentation that if we were angels our problems would be minimal and our personal interactions optimal. Such thinking tends to ignore or forget that angels can be holy or evil, and the evil angels are demonic.

Yet at times God calls an individual to a benevolent angelic function. This we call prophesy and true prophesy always originates from Almighty God. It is a necessary function to the time-space situation in which we plod. God then discharges that function through anyone He wants. Prophetic messages tend to call for change, a shift in our predictable flow or action. Safe, secure and tranquil as the prophetic function may seem, it is stocked with hazards for the basic reason of our general dislike of surprises. The bible is replete with holy prophets, messengers who paid with their lives. We like to think that we are “good”, when, as Jesus Christ declared that there is only One Eternal Good.

I make these jottings in gratitude to God for messages received especially over the past 26 years of presbyteral ordination, some messages directly from Almighty God, but many through people like yourselves who read these lines; messages of question, doubt, orientation, disagreement, or confirmation, support; messages that help in the vocation and ministries to which I am called. Some messages put in beautiful prose, others in simple jargon. Yet contributing to a single message of Hope that maintains and directs this itinerant minister in a vocation that is beyond his human capacities and thus challenges him to be

Most sincerely in Jesus Christ

Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

March 29, 2010

40_1 (Lenten_Easter, 2010)

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 6:35 pm


Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima14 March, 2010 XL:1
Trav. Carlos Portes, 171
62.900-000 Russas, Ceará e-mail:

Dear Colleagues, Friends, Benefactors and Family:

Limits abound! All creatures have limits. Even the universe has its limits which is why it can expand. We tend to like limits. They are something we can measure or at least estimate. That implies explanation, something we highly crave, exactitude.
Our patience has limits as does our understanding and even our perception. All of these vary with each individual. As most dedicated instructors and educators can attest, each student is unique in his or her abilities to perceive, grasp and then understand. If they are slower than most others, they are labeled as indolent or dull of mind. If they are especially rapid in that grasp they may be labeled as brilliant. However if they are extraordinary in their ability to grasp, they may also be labeled as “dull of wit” because they perceive more than the lesson-course of instruction and even more than the instructors are prepared to measure. An intellect can reach beyond an academic level and surpass limits, thus raising questions of measure, quite perplexing. Disarming one of intellectual defenses can open an individual more completely to the power of the Almighty; ask any mystic.
Formed by Almighty God in His image and likeness, we have distinct capacities. These are amplified by the totality of blessing, completely available to us but which we cannot measure. This frightens us. We thus impose artificial limits and even close ourselves, through our disobedience to God. We exclude ourselves from the power of Divine blessings, infinite assets originating from Almighty God, which is why He is Almighty and why many people refuse to believe in Him. God´s Infinite Being defies our craving for explanation. The Limitless is conceivable but scientifically unexplainable.
The challenge of limits is that they can vary with person, creature and situation. Human terms define “normal” within some subjective context into which fit the majority of persons, beings or other components of a group. Absolute Normal is defined by the Creator and thus always has a degree of mystery to it. Virtues and Blessings fit in this group. They are complete; but WE, have, limits! Thus we can perceive them but not fully understand them.
However God bends to our cravings to some degree. The Mystical Body of Christ has limits beyond which there is no salvation, however only God Himself knows those limits. This too can be perplexing to us. We do not want to be excluded from that Body but we are tempted to exclude others, thus to quit on ourselves and others.
Yet God never quits on us. His call continues notwithstanding our closure and, at times, our self-exclusion. Historically in fact, through our human fall, that exclusion was complete. The Benevolence and Charity of the Creator, then specified that He became Redeemer raising and defining us into the distinct units of His Mystical Body. He did so in one generation, one life with an intensity of Passion previously unknown; complete Redemption for all; marked in a total conquest of evil.
We celebrate that Passion of Benevolence and Charity in the Lenten-Pascal Season; solemn, profound, limitless in HIS gift of Redemption.

Have a Happy and Blessed Lenten-Pascal tide!

Yours Faithfully in Jesus Christ

Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

February 11, 2010

XXXIX:3 Evolution Theory Nov, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 6:35 pm

Dear Friends, Colleagues, Family and Benefactors:

Evolution as a theory has been and remains a highly functional philosophical tool for analyzing points of complexity between diverse and dispersed aspects of the universe. This helps bring some semblance of order to a work whose majesty defies any simple explanation. Species and their individual members, extant and extinct, can nicely be presented in sequence or sequences, branch or branches that recognize relationships. As a point of reference Evolutionary Theory becomes polemic when people treat it more as fantasy Or as law and “absolute” in itself, neither of which it is.

Timing intervals concerning evolution in years, centuries and millennia can cover millions and even billions of years. Their order and breadth are magnificent especially if one considers time as invariable in itself. However variability makes its presence in all of this. It can come from density factors regarding matter, space, time and even velocity (e.g. black holes). Thus, gaps, questions and outright holes can arise in the data.

A recent discovery identified a hominoid (human-like creature) dating to more than 1.4 million years past. This “being” had the capacity to walk upright (rather than only on all four legs) and also to climb trees. My age notwithstanding (63 years), this one could well be ME.

Overall I find some glee in the fact that I have some (many?) essential attributes of a supposedly extinct ancestor. Extinction has a crucial place with the Theory of Evolution. Some (many?) known species have no known extant (living) representatives but apparently had such representatives in ages past. Their continuing definition lies in their continuing genetic codes. Newly discovered species, recognized through recently identified specimens, require full taxonomic classification, also based on their genetic codes.

The entire process for both extinct and extant species nicely finds foundation in genetic codes. Complications arise for “beings” that have no known genetic codes. Their taxonomic classification can present problems, yet their existence is most objective. Angels, demons, guardians, messengers can all fit in this category. Even Almighty God can be troubling to our taxonomic classification system. He is above and beyond it. Yet His subtle presence among us is objective and most recognizable.

The Divine Presence took the human nature some 2000 years past with the arrival of Jesus Christ in this world. Subtle and gently, that presence was and remains definite to this day. We celebrate His arrival in Judeo-Christian Tradition at the Hanukkah, Christmas-New Year’s Season, not as a system of biological classification but as a sacramental presence that blesses and attracts the whole of creation to and for immortal glory. I pray that you accept your part in this glory and celebrate it with a:

Joyful Christmas and Blessed New Year of 2010!
Humbly in Jesus Christ

Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

November 12, 2009

XXXIX:2 Intervals: 11 August, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 6:36 pm

Intervals can vary in their size, their span. Time and space intervals seem especially varied in their values, and those values often seem more arbitrary than objective. A rather wise old gentleman once observed that the calendar time intervals of a year (or multiples thereof) tend to pass ever more rapidly as we grow older. In my youth at the time, I paid little attention to his observation. However age has allowed me to recognize the accuracy of that observation. It is not that years grow any shorted as we age. Their temporal constitution of days, weeks and months remains quite exact. Our personal rate of motion merely slows with age. We move more slowly, thus time seems to move more rapidly.

Projects, planned or unplanned, tend to present definite time spans from initiation to completion. Life spans, human or otherwise, tend to be quite specific to individual species, although significant variation for and by individuals within a species can be most fluid. Humans tend to live about 70 years, or about 3 generations as measured in hereditary spans. Some may enter their 80’s, 90’s or even 100’s, but seven decades seems to be the maximum quota of years that most of us can endure.

Temporal counts for vocations can be quite mysterious and perhaps misplaced. Since vocation (e.g. Marriage, Holy Orders, Personal Oblation) originates from God and is a continuing function of His presence, mere human counts seem artificial. Yet we have a certain attraction for temporal counts, if for no other reason but to mark perseverance (or perhaps outright stubbornness) on our part.

The more mysterious an interval, the less essential it seems to be to the entity it purports of measure. If the universe is a billion light years in spatial size (and a light year is 300,000 km/second multiplied by the number of seconds in a year, then multiplied by a billion) the resulting kilometric interval is so large that one’s mind tends to dismiss it. If the age of this same universe is 4.5 billion years, that number also is of precious little meaning especially since time measurements seem to be affected my material densities (e.g. “black holes”) and velocities of entities in motion.

As I mark 25 years as presbyter in Holy Orders my thoughts are of perseverance (or stubbornness) in this Gift which Almighty God has bestowed. A mere quarter of a century, it has been the most RAPID quarter century of my life. Gratitude to God and to all of you who have accompanied me during all or part of this quarter century is the personal stance most apparent at this time. Many of you were physically present on 8 September, 1984 for that ordination. Many, including my beloved Dad and Mom, have gone to eternity. The rest of us will arrive soon enough. I pray that we persevere in navigating this life with, through and in Jesus Christ.

With grateful blessings in Almighty God

Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

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