Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fatima 19 November, 2013 XLIII:3
Trav. Carlos Pontes, 171
Cx. P. 101
62.900-000 Russas, Ceará e-mail: [email protected]
Dear Friends Family Colleagues & Benefactors:
Localization and position are crucial to any stance. Military logistics and tactics are probably the most obvious cases of this. However sports and games are instituted tests where positions are crucial to the application of a participant’s resources against an opponent. Chess is the classic example of these positional games, but all games and sports require some degree of resource positioning in order to gain victory.
Navigating life itself requires positions and directions whose variability is determined by necessity and CALL. Necessity tends to vary with time and place but the CALL is invariable and immortal. An individual who remains within the confines of his or her own person refusing to recognize The CALL will find positional stance and variability confusing to the point of destruction, a continuous defensive reorientation to mere existence. Yet one who allows even the slightest “exit” from one’s self in response to the CALL of God encounters a certainty of direction that leads to stability in Truth as the power and guidance of Almighty God gently dominate the navigation of life as transcendence of one’s self. Life becomes more than existence. It becomes an immortal vibrancy of virtue complete at each step defined and sustained by The Almighty. That vibrancy of virtue then calls for a reverent respect for all life in its hierarchical diverse forms, complexity and positions (in niche) by God.
Such respect for Life in God is one of the first transcendental qualities to be DISCARDED and LOST as a person, culture or nation CLOSE upon themselves. Mere CHOICE for convenience dominates to the point of possession. Instead of self-dominance, an entity (person, nation or culture) becomes possessed through self-indulgence. History is replete with individual and collective examples of such self-indulgent degeneration whose end is ALWAYS destruction.
Humanity found itself in a constant spiral of such degeneration for millennia until just over 2000 years past when Almighty God entered our condition as Savior to confirm and bless the distinct position of each species and individual within creation. We commemorate that entry and blessing in the Christmas Celebrations. Still free to CHOOSE convenience and degradation, we now have sequential blessings to help us make OPTIONS for Eternal Life. Use these options well as you navigate and celebrate:
Life, in Niche by God!
In this I wish you a:
Humbly in Jesus Christ