PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário
Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima 19 February, 2018 XLVIII:1
Trav. Carlos Portes, 171
62.900-000 Russas, Ceará e-mail: [email protected]
Dear Benefactors, Friends, Collaborators, Family and Colleagues:
Salvation is a reality; objective in its presence, mysterious by measure, challenging to witness. By one presence, one stroke, one conquest, The One Redeemer realized Salvation. Quite simple for revelation, divine in recognition, it is impossible to explain. The most profound of scholars can explain it no better that the most innocent of children. Yet it calls. The Creator-Redeemer-Sustainer calls THROUGH Redemption TO Salvation.
Saints are called by its power. Sinners are driven by its mystery. Intellects are confused by its totality. Tyrants are maddened by its omnificence. The redeemed are guided by its power. Scholars are confounded by its simplicity, historians are challenged by its intensity.
At one point, within some 36 hours, The Redeemer faced, accepted and discharged the one, unique and complete task of Salvation, the defeat of evil with a victory so complete that many actually have fear to consider it. They are more content in ignoring it. Yet that same Redeemer calls beyond contentment. He calls to Peace, and His perseverance in that call is constant.
We celebrate Him and His victory in the Eucharistic sacrifice each day, but more publically in the Lenten-Pascal Season. Never capable of fully grasping Salvation completely, we do well to allow it to grasp us, NOT as possession, but as Gift as we at least try to relinquish to His call in our lives, vocations and ministries, our sins and weaknesses notwithstanding.
Join us in this “surrender” as we recognize our limits, confess our wrongs and proceed by Conversion in Witness to the Savior, Jesus Christ professing by our lives and works to and for the World:
“A Blessed Easter to all and for all!”
Most gratefully in Jesus Christ
Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.