PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário
Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima 25 March, 2019 XLIX:1
Trav. Carlos Portes, 171
Cx. P. 101
62.900-000 Russas, Ceará e-mail: [email protected]
Dear Collaborators, Family, Benefactors, Friends and Colleagues:
Every true gift presents a dynamic, not necessarily in its physical structure but in its sequence and resonance of mystery. The essence of a gift is always somewhat mysterious because it represents something beyond the one who presents it. The presenter of the gift is actually a messenger. The physical structure of a gift usually runs its material course but the spirit in which it is presented is immortal; at times even eternal.
Gifts of collective virtue can run centuries, even millennia to emerge and then to manifest. The gift of Faith, the blessing of Benevolence, a tradition of Freedom, the inheritance of Spirit all find their beginning in inspirations rooted so deeply in antiquity that we have no exact references as to their origins. Brutalized and rejected in a profane world, the virtue of such gifts defines the unique immortality of each one. No vice cannot match nor overcome their Virtue.
These timeless gifts seem to appear, disappear and then reappear at crucial times in specific places where necessity demands their presence. They are, as has been stated, “immortal offers of benevolence”. Finance, politics and convenience play little part in the dynamic of their presence or absence. Actual need defines the dynamic of each gift.
The immortality of a gift can run to various depths, breadths and limits known only by the Creator. The gift itself assumes immortality through the Almighty who inspired the gift. Profound immortality of benevolence, many times defines the greatness of the giver and/or recipient. Sacred Scripture in various faiths is replete with mortals who received gifts of profound character of which those recipients were completely unaware. These recipients became, messengers (prophets) of the Giver, Almighty God. Even in more recent times recipients of gifts in research, exploration and investigation have been marked by greatness through the discoveries bequeath through them; Churchill, Newton, Columbus, Mendel, Sheldrake are only a few whose gifts still influence progress.
The Eternal Gift is one and only one. It has many forms, each form manifest in different ways in different epics. The arrival of the Savior, celebrated in the Hanukkah-Yuletide-Christmas season is a gift, complete in itself. However, the manifestation of that gift, the Savior and Salvation itself, was to take time, one complete generation; intense and harsh in itself. That intensity and harshness grew until it culminated in the GLORY; the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Savior Jesus Christ within one 24 hour period.
We celebrate that Passion and Glory in the Pascal Mystery of Passover and Easter. Rejected by the world as it emerged, IT remains rejected in the world today bringing persecution, exclusion and suffering to those who try to follow His Call. Yet to those who accept that Call, imperfect as we may be, Almighty God bequeaths and sustains with the Gift of “Life in Christ”, immortalizing ALL His followers.
Join us as we celebrate this Gift in Jesus Christ witnessing by our vocations, lives, works and ministries for the World:
“A Blessed Pascal-Easter Season to all!”
Gratefully, In the SAVIOR
Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.