R. Aloysio Sehnem, 186 4 March, 2014 XLIV:I
Cx. P. 101 http://www.egfbenya.com
93.001-970 São Leopoldo, RS
BRASIL e-mail: [email protected]
Dear Colleagues, Friends, Benefactors & Family:
Words, terms and phrases abound in all languages. Some catch our imagination and we memorize them with no particular difficulty maintaining them as personal reference in times of diversion and/or frustration; sources of comfort and stability.
Problems arise when meanings of these words or terms change, exchange or go synonymous with other words or phrases. Confusion thus arises. Two such terms are “holocaust” and “oblation”. Both are crucial in readings of Sacred, especially Biblical Scripture. History is replete with specific pagan rites of holocaust and/or immolation up to and including human sacrifice (Wisdom 12: 3-6). The ancient Israelis were called to recognize these and eliminate them from their midst (Deut. 18: 9-10). They presented Holocausts to God, usually burnt; immolation of sacrificial animals (usually lambs or steers) rather than humans, representing or substituting something of the person who offered them (vicarious offering), given in reparation for sin or offense, for purposes of recovery, or in preparation for sacramental entry into the Sacred Presence of God (Lev. 16: 2-28).
Originally intended to be sacramentally for repentance, renewal and conversion, these rituals became perverted to a point of habit that lost the original transcendental goal, even forgetting its original meaning. They became mere repetition to the point that they were not pleasing to God (Jer. 6: 20b; Is. 1: 11).
Holocaust thus had to give way to oblation where the one making the offering (the minister) offers himself (herself) in surrender to Almighty God as a “presentation”, a vibrant offering, to be used as GOD Wills, NOT as the minister commands. The intermediate (the substitute) of the holocaust is eliminated in oblation. The oblate (the one offering sacrifice) becomes the offering. Far less mechanical than holocaust, oblation exacts patience, faith and extreme Charity in surrender to the direct Mystery of Almighty God.
Such virtue is taxing on the oblate. Does God accept the oblation? Only God can judge and that judgment is in Eternity. The temptation to holocaust is constant; substitute, execute, eliminate. “Choose” rather than “Be Chosen”. False gods constantly tempt us to holocaust. Recent history and current events against “life in Almighty God” attest to that temptation.
Yet God Himself provides the lead in His presence among us. In an earthly life of some 33 years and a Passion of 36 hours, Jesus Christ set the example and direction through Divine Oblation. Provoke none! Surrender completely to Divine Will in Complete, Charitable Obedience.
We celebrate that Divine Oblation in the Lenten-Pascal season with special attention to the Call: Surrender to Divine Call; allow God to do the rest.
Humbly in Jesus Christ
Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.