Residência Conceição 22 August, 2018 XLVIII:2
Cx. P. 101
93.022-630 São Leopoldo, RS e-mail: [email protected]
BRAZIL http://www.egfbenya.com
Dear Collaborators, Benefactors, Friends, Family and Colleagues:
Discipline is a sobering word. With connotations of threat and even pain, we know that it is necessary, especially as self-discipline, if anyone is to face the world, navigate in it and progress without falling to it. As with Love, Discipline is acquired and developed rather than merely learned. It has a cost, a price in terms of effort. Lack of discipline has an even greater cost and that cost can be mortal. It is through Discipline that we show Love.
A major challenge of childhood and adolescence is to become disciplined in some basic sense so that we can begin to navigate life, receive vocations and develop within the vocation to which God calls. Parents, ministers, pastors, instructors and professors are indispensible to this process of acquiring discipline.
Complications arise in that they too are acquiring discipline. Husband and wife are learning to be parents. Instructors are learning to be educators. Pastors are learning to be shepherds. Preachers are learning to be messengers. Ministers are learning to bestow.
At some stage in this dynamic, the external function of acquiring discipline broadens to the internal function of developing self-discipline. Rigor of acquisition can easily become perverted into a brutality and even violence of mere training. In place of charitable virtue, the bitterness of vice, even hatred can arise. Personal and collective degeneracy can ensue. Solid theistic Judeo-Christian Universal formation through the sacramental family, parish and communion are crucial. They have no substitutes.
The 72 years since I entered this world, 44 years of religious life and 34 years in the Priesthood of Jesus Christ have seen absolute necessity of this dynamic of discipline and self-discipline. Imperfect in me, to be sure, it has still allowed me to exercise mobility of mind, body, spirit and transcendence in responding to the Call of Almighty God. That mobility has found strength, depth and focus in all of you, your support both material and spiritual during this entire vocation. Your presence during this continuing process has been and remains a most distinct Blessing, a unique Gift from Almighty God. For this I do thank you as I remain
Most gratefully in Jesus Christ
Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.