Residência Conceição 8 November,, 2018 XLVIII:3
Cx. P. 101
93.022-630 São Leopoldo, RS e-mail: [email protected]
BRAZIL http://www.egfbenya.com
Dear Benefactors, Family, Colleagues, Friends and Collaborators:
A gift is an extension, a risk through which one goes beyond one’s self. Through some degree of virtue an individual attempts to surpass his or her limits and reach to another. All gifts are initially offers. If accepted they become links, even bridges from one individual to another so that isolation of individuality transforms to a communion, perhaps even a union of autonomy.
A true gift always presents some degree of mystery, of virtue as charity and kindness that in itself can be recognized but never measured. It is a message of offer, an immortal offer of benevolence.
The man and woman united in marriage, children and parents in the communion of family, the faithful in blessing with the Almighty all exemplify the dynamic of giving as offer, reception, gratitude. That dynamic characterizes every gift.
Value of a gift can be variable, at least in the profane sense. Some gifts, financially are priceless yet of minimal practical value, a gem, a crystal, a pearl. Others are simple but of immediate value as is food for the starving. Many times the simplest of gifts (a kind word, gentle encouragement) sustain a person in life.
The dynamics of offer, reception and gratitude define every legitimate gift. Time span for that dynamic can be short, a few seconds as when a life is saved, OR it may take years to realize as that of an innocent saved from threat of a glowing yet vicious attraction. Individuals, families, communities, nations, entire cultures may be tempted as such.
The true gift always originates in virtue, some blessing of God. Among these the Christmas gift, the Christmas present holds a certain universal meaning. The mystery of virtue presents a special brilliance in the Christmas gift. No matter how many we receive, each is unique. Even replicates of the same gift have unique origins in virtue.
The most profound of gifts are the most mysterious, powerful in their message, challenging in reception, enduring in gratitude. The Christmas gift is an essential of the Hanukkah-Yuletide-Christmas season. We celebrate the Original Christmas Gift each year at this season; the arrival of the Savior, completely subtle, uniquely infinite in His presence with the Promise of Redemption, a Promise to be realized within one human generation.
Present and receive gifts especially now. Be grateful! We here in Brazil remain most grateful to you and to God for your benevolence. Celebrate with us the arrival of The Original Christmas Gift; the One, Jesus Christ. Have a BLESSED 2019. We continue:
Gratefully, In HIM
Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.