PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário
Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima 27 November, 2020 L:3
Trav. Carlos Portes, 171
Cx. P. 101
62.900-000 Russas, Ceará e-mail: [email protected]
Dear Benefactors, Family, Friends, Collaborators and Colleagues,
THE Faith has a dynamic. That dynamic is sacramental. All religions within THE Faith have a dynamic. That dynamic finds definition in perseverance, surrender and obedience to Almighty God.
Persevere, Render, Yield! These are the sacramental dynamics of Transcendence (proceeding “beyond”) in and for Almighty God. Confusion, Fear, Escape; these are the dynamics of terror in and for the demonic.
Transcendence and Terror are two distinct dynamics in distinct directions and with distinct spirits that guide them. However their presence can be mysterious especially since the demonic always strives to confuse while the transcendent always strives to clarify. Clarity is essential in navigating this life. Hear the Word of God! Believe what you hear! Declare what you believe! Practice what you declare! It is all very CLEAR. Yet confusion, fear and escape enter every situation to complicate the navigation. The demon knows that by nature we detest evil. We must be confused and disoriented in order even to be tempted to evil. Thus the demon proceeds.
Since the time of our first parents as a species; confusion and disorientation have been the tools of the demonic. He succeeded in their fall. Our lot degraded as we were changed for the worse. Yet the Creator never relinquished us to evil. He promised Redemption and a Redeemer in the “fullness of time”.
That “fullness of time” required a maturity of spirit on our part as a species. We had to be prepared at least minimally to recognize and receive The Redeemer. The Old Testament is replete in its chronicle of messengers (prophets) sent by God to inform and prepare a people (the Jewish People), a nation (Ancient Israel) for the arrival of The Redeemer. The preparation of Ancient Israel for the position of universal witness to the arrival of The Redeemer required patience on the part of Almighty God and His prophets. Israel’s acceptance of that preparation was difficult to say the least. As with many nations today, the ancient Nation of Israel did not like the position of being unique in the world. They fought, persecuted and rejected God’s prophets. Yet the “fullness of time” arrived and so did The Redeemer. He too was persecuted and rejected as He is today by the “world”.
Yet for those who accepted Him He became the Standard, a source of Strength for Life, Witness and Salvation in a unique life in and for Transcendence. We celebrate the arrival of Jesus Christ in this Yuletide season recognizing that He is still rejected by a major portion of humanity. In its rejection of Him, humanity also rejects us. In our status as “rejected” perhaps lies our greatest Witness to Christ.
Join us in Witness as we celebrate the arrival of Jesus Christ, wishing all of you of a:
Happy Hanukkah-Yuletide-Christmas season and a Blessed New Year of 2021!
In the love of Jesus Christ
Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.