PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário
Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima 17 February, 2021 LI:1
Trav. Carlos Portes, 171
Cx. P. 101
62.900-000 Russas, Ceará e-mail: [email protected]
Dear Family, Colleagues, Collaborators, Benefactors and Friends,
The day arrives once each year and as with most celebrations it is a commemoration a single 24-hour period, unique in its meaning and spirit. That meaning and spirit are buried to some degree by the solemnities that immediately precede, accompany and succeed it. Yet Holy Saturday (Sabbatum Sanctum) is DISTINCT.
It was a most somber day for the disciples of Jesus Christ especially for the Apostles. Their friend and mentor had been captured, tortured and executed. One of the elite members of the group of 12 had betrayed the Master. Their temporal leader, had denied the Master three times. Redemption had been achieved, but they knew precious little about it. They had been informed of these events in advance and at various times, but like most messages of harsh reality, the notices were ignored, forgotten or perhaps guarded in some “closed mental segment” of the human memory. These disciples were marked for a similar treatment and were hiding in fear for their lives.
One of the most intelligent among them (perhaps the most intelligent), the actual traitor was a free man, pursued by no one and wealthier than the rest of them by 30 pieces of silver. Politically and financially he was quite secure.
These disciples had questions and doubts. They had bound themselves to a Leader expelled as a pariah from His own religious roots. Their futures seemed very insecure. They may well have questioned their attraction, dedication and surrender to the teachings of their deceased Leader.
Such crisis marks EVERY disciple who has ever dared to assume the ministry of vocation (Marriage, Holy Orders, Monastic, Anchoret or Virgin). A simple, profane world beckons to each of us. Iff we ignore it, then that world threatens us. If we continue to try to follow the Master, then that world pursues us. Sacramental PEACE can mark us, but calmness of life is difficult.
Slowly approaching the half-century mark in religious life I can attest to the Spirit of Holy Saturday in my life and vocation, more than once. Yet the Virtue of Redemption remains. It dominates clarifies and expels the doubts of a profane world. It did so at the time of the first disciples and it continues to do so now. That Spirit of Holy Saturday MUST mark every legitimate vocation. It presents a Communion that is distinct and specific in itself. It is sobering and can frighten, but one must not be terrified.
Many of you have lived it perhaps without knowing it by name. Many of you constitute the Communion of Holy Saturday that I have lived, a most vibrant Communion. I thank you for your presence and invite you to join us at this season of Lenten Penance, Passover and Easter Celebration as I remain GRATEFULLY
In the love of Jesus Christ
Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.
Composed, Prepared, Posted!
Comment by Edward Benya — February 27, 2021 @ 11:09 am