PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário
Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima 12 July, 2021 LI:2
Trav. Carlos Portes, 171
Cx. P. 101
62.900-000 Russas, Ceará e-mail:
Dear Benefactors, Colleagues, Family, Collaborators and Friends:
The quest for certitude is legitimate! We encounter a call to perceive, verify and know points of information and data. Reasonable certainty of works, ministries and tasks is necessary for one to develop, progress and grow in life, and vocation.
The word “REASONABLE” is the key. Reasonable certitude is necessary in research, jurisprudence, financial transactions, ethical interchange, investigation, friendship, education and the Hope for the Future epitomized in child-bearing and rearing.
ABSOLUTE certitude is another matter. In most respects it is quite impossible. We simply cannot know ALL aspects of a problem, question or challenge, nor control those aspects. We ourselves, even in cooperative ventures, have LIMITS. Yet the quest for absolute certainty is most attractive. It challenges our in-created capacity of Faith, the “leap of virtue” to the Almighty. That challenge can become a call, an attraction, then degrade to temptation and fixation. The “leap of Faith” is necessary for all of us. Without that leap Assurance substitutes for Faith. We become closed, ever more isolated, calculating in every situation.
The Agnostic is UNSURE of the difference between Assurance and Faith. The Atheist has a religion of Assurance (quite sure that there is NO GOD) but has Faith in nothing. The Miso theist acknowledges that Almighty God exists, but Hates God because of God’s TOTALITY of BEING, Power and Benevolence. Social and financial EQUALITY is the panacea that drives the miso theist but which cannot be attained. Christ said: “You will always have the poor among you…” (Mt. 14:7).
The call to “Reasonable Certitude” is virtuous. The temptation to “Absolute Certitude” is vicious. Discerning between the two can be most difficult. Yet the Guidance of Almighty God is always present. We must use that Guidance as fully as possible in the vocation, works, ministries and apostolates to which God calls us, a most testing way of proceeding. At times it seems impossible. We can feel isolated and lost, yet with perseverance and experience we learn to recognize, accept and implement that Guidance. By the Grace of the same Almighty God we become quite proficient in this way of proceeding. We recognize the Communion we have with others in the same or similar situations. Time and age have their benefits notwithstanding our various failures along the way. Some 47 years in Religious Life and 37 years in Holy Orders I am especially grateful for this Guidance.
I pray that all of you recognize the Reasonable Certitude of every situation to which God calls and that you discern well that Certitude as you persevere in Faith, Hope and Charity. Almighty God Calls! Virtue directs! His Grace Confirms. Navigating this World, we remain
In the Benevolence of Jesus Christ
Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.