PAROQUIA – Nssa Senhora do ROSÁRIO
Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima 10 November, 2022 LII:3
Trav. Carlos Pontes, 171 fone: (55 088) 2145 0990
62.900-000 Russas, Ceará
BRASIL e-mail: [email protected]
Dear Family, Benefactors, Friends, Collaborators and Colleagues,
Messages abound! We encounter them in our families, our jobs, our ministries, our works. Messages of calling, of introduction, of advice, of warning, of confirmation, messages of one form or another are continuous in life; messages of matter, messages of spirit, benevolent or vicious. Voice, published or public messages present definite dimensions and are difficult to ignore. Spiritual messages, mostly unnoticed, we seem to perceive subconsciously, respond, forget and continue navigating life.
We are a species that is ENTIRE when conceived, but born INCOMPLETE. We are called for the rest of our worldly lives to develop and thus arrive COMPLETE (The Saintly Dynamic) at Eternity. This is a complicated process. Besides the benevolent messages we receive, many false messages (temptations) are plentiful. These are ideas that can confuse, confound and disorient us. Almighty God cares for us and keeps us close to Himself. Messages (and messengers) are crucial for that care.
The subtlety of messages varies with their gravity of importance. A gentle hint can be enough to inform the wise of a timely error. A startling shock may be necessary to quickly move an individual from the immediate threat of catastrophe to safety. In His benevolence, God keeps us informed of our sacramental progress through gently hints, although at times our density of spirit demands a SHOCK.
The Savior Himself, Jesus Christ, had messengers. The promise of a Redeemer was true and would be realized with time. The prophets announced Christ’s future arrival and the time of that arrival. These were numerous, continuous and coherent in their presentation.
Delivery of that message was specific, exact, but always perilous. People of this world were impatient and not necessarily interested in a Redeemer whose specific being is defined by Almighty God and NOT by the false gods of humanity.
To this day, the world refuses to fully accept the arrival of the Redeemer. However that arrival is confirmed, verified and documented in His continued presence among us. We celebrate His arrival in the Hanukkah-Yuletide-Christmas season. All of you, as most integral parts of my life and vocation, I invite, along with your families and communities to join us in spirit for these celebrations as I wish you a:
Most joyous Hanukkah-Yuletide-Christmas season and Blessed New Year of 2023!
In the Love of Jesus Christ,
Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.