Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima 6 August, 2008 XXXVIII:2
Trav. Carlos Portes, 171
62.900-000 Russas, Ceará e-mail: [email protected]
Dear Benefactors, Family and Friends,
A social circle is unique to each individual. No one person has the same complement of friends, colleagues, adversaries or enemies. Besides the human component, one’s social circle usually includes various non-human but animate creatures whose zoological classification can run a gamut of taxonomic complexity. These include pets, beasts of burden, pests and various “strays” whose presence (generally unplanned on our part) bring surprise, chagrin, anger and even laughter to one’s life. Add to these a diversity of botanic entities whose presence at the staple level serves for food and/or clothing, and whose floral qualities can contribute an esthetic aspect to our existence. Move a step further to the spiritual level where angelic and other metaphysical beings make their presence felt, and one has a hierarchy of interwoven entities whose activities, antics and interactions define a communion that defies explanation by anyone (or anything) short of Almighty God.
Unique as one’s social circle is, this communion with “others” is just as unique in its structure, direction and dynamic. In our childhood we tend to be ignorant of it. In our youth we may be confused by it. At middle age we can be irked by it. However at maturity we may actually be amused by it. Defeats, sadness, conquests and even an occasional victory mark our presence in and through this communion. Most of us seem to be survivors, for better or for worse, of the communion of which we are a part, and which is a part of us. Final judgment of survival of course, rests only with God, but He gives us gentle signs of our progress, regression and position within that communion. These signs serve to help us adjust our personal orientation within that communion and thus trod to our appointed place in Eternity.
These past 34 years since entering religious life, 25 years since diaconal ordination and 24 years since presbyteral ordination have seen my social circle amplify. My communion with all of you is continually finding new depths as our respective spiritual and physical journey in this life find solid direction to eternity. Many have already arrived at that eternal point. The rest of us continue, our personal limits notwithstanding, in a physical and spiritual communion whose blessings to and for me are among the most magnificent of gifts bestowed by God. I thank Him and I thank you.
Gratefully in Christ
Ed Benya, S.J.
Hello! I’ve just stopped by to thank you for this nice review. Take care!
Comment by Bradley Colosimo — November 21, 2011 @ 2:35 am
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Comment by Jolie Saleeby — November 26, 2011 @ 12:18 pm