PAROQUIA – Nssa Senhora do ROSÁRIO
Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima 9 February, 2024 LIV:1
Trav. Carlos Pontes, 171
62.900-000 Russas, Ceará
BRASIL e-mail: [email protected]
Dear Friends, Family, Colleagues, Benefactors and Collaborators,
The Promise of The Redeemer was made shortly after our human fall. It remained a promise for centuries. It was confirmed with the arrival of The Redeemer. He led a quiet life for some 30 years and then began a public ministry carefully calling followers, disciples.
That public ministry was intensive from the beginning. Salvation was the goal and time was of the essence. The disciples were being trained, educated and FORMED not as employees and followers but as MINISTERS of Him who would become the Savior. The disciples were in Challenge and the Savior was in Temptation, almost continuously to reject the entire venture.
Temptation was present from the beginning, as a child. It continued into adolescence (in the temple in Jerusalem), in youth and adulthood. Satan knew, at least something of the goal that was in play. At the beginning of His public life, temptation of the Savior was profane (the riches and honors of this world). In the garden of Gethsemane it was violent and mortal (agony and torture). He was tempted to Abandon the entire venture and asked the Father, if possible, that such abandonment be realized. It was NOT possible. He continued.
During the 24-most intensive hours of the Passion, temptation continued. Bearing the cross, He fell three times: manifestations of continued temptation to QUIT (?); quite possibly. Yet He continued and so did the agony, the torture.
The final temptation was to DESPAIR…had he been Forsaken by The Father? NO! However he had been tempted and tempted most brutally. He died the Savior’s death. We received the sinners’ Redemption.
We celebrate those intensive 24 hours and the following Glory of Resurrection as we celebrate the entire Pascal Mystery in the Easter Solemnity.
I invite you and your families to join us in spirit iff you wish for this solemn celebration during the Lenten-Easter Season. In praise and gratitude
in the Love of Jesus Christ,
Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.