Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fatima 16 August, 2012 XLII:2
Trav. Carlos Pontes, 171
Cx. P. 101
62.900-000 Russas, Ceará e-mail: [email protected]
Dear Family, Benefactors, Friends & Colleagues:
Their efforts are public, but of minimal notice. Profoundly handicapped by a weak capacity for personal social interaction, they seem aloof or removed from regular comradery or friendships. Yet people with ASPERGER syndrome can concentrate and persevere in a quest for truth demonstrating a persistence that approaches stubbornness. They are anything but quitters.
The vague identification of their situation complicates any attempt at absolute identification. Symptoms of the syndrome are even in dispute. Yet the characteristics are quite notable although most variable in their collective presence.
Sir Isaac Newton is the only historical figure of note, (to my knowledge) actually certified with Asperger syndrome. His persistence in addressing the Tangible AND Spiritual aspects of any question led to a recluse personality that is legendary. To a lesser extend Albert Einstein showed a similar persistence as did Father Gregor Mendel (in discovering basic principles of Genetics) and perhaps St. Thomas Aquinas.
All of these individuals, in broadly diverse areas of investigation, sought a common goal, within those diverse disciplines; to recognize and reconcile the physical aspects of a problem with spiritual (metaphysical) aspects of that problem. Their actual success or failure can be judged only by Almighty God. Yet in success or failure, their dedication was never lacking.
Such totality of analysis is brutal on a career. Most careers run within a 20-year period. Data is chosen, analyzed within categories and presented selectively and tastefully. The career allows choice and distance, but the vocation demands surrender because the person of vocation is in oblation, he is called and directed by The Spirit that is beyond him. It is that Spirit which governs, directs and defines. Much as we may wish, we cannot simply ignore some parts of a question while addressing another. Ask any parent who has raised a child, any instructor who has taught a student, any researcher who has analyzed data or a doctor who has treated a patient.
The vocation is driven by God who defines the oblation of the oblate, be it in marriage, Holy Orders, Autonomy in God or any other transcendent direction. This year I mark 38 years in oblation to Almighty God. These years have passed most rapidly. Their final value is known only by Almighty God, yet your presence with and in Him is a unique blessing to me for which I thank Him and I thank you.
Gratefully in Jesus Christ
Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.