August 15, 2021

The quest for certitude

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 1:27 pm

PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário

Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima                             12 July, 2021               LI:2

Trav. Carlos Portes, 171

Cx. P. 101

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                                        e-mail: [email protected]


Dear Benefactors, Colleagues, Family, Collaborators and Friends:

The quest for certitude is legitimate! We encounter a call to perceive, verify and know points of information and data. Reasonable certainty of works, ministries and tasks is necessary for one to develop, progress and grow in life, and vocation.

The word “REASONABLE” is the key. Reasonable certitude is necessary in research, jurisprudence, financial transactions, ethical interchange, investigation, friendship, education and the Hope for the Future epitomized in child-bearing and rearing.

ABSOLUTE certitude is another matter. In most respects it is quite impossible. We simply cannot know ALL aspects of a problem, question or challenge, nor control those aspects. We ourselves, even in cooperative ventures, have LIMITS. Yet the quest for absolute certainty is most attractive. It challenges our in-created capacity of Faith, the “leap of virtue” to the Almighty. That challenge can become a call, an attraction, then degrade to temptation and fixation. The “leap of Faith” is necessary for all of us. Without that leap Assurance substitutes for Faith. We become closed, ever more isolated, calculating in every situation.

The Agnostic is UNSURE of the difference between Assurance and Faith. The Atheist has a religion of Assurance (quite sure that there is NO GOD) but has Faith in nothing. The Miso theist acknowledges that Almighty God exists, but Hates God because of God’s TOTALITY of BEING, Power and Benevolence. Social and financial EQUALITY is the panacea that drives the miso theist but which cannot be attained. Christ said: “You will always have the poor among you…” (Mt. 14:7).

The call to “Reasonable Certitude” is virtuous. The temptation to “Absolute Certitude” is vicious. Discerning between the two can be most difficult. Yet the Guidance of Almighty God is always present. We must use that Guidance as fully as possible in the vocation, works, ministries and apostolates to which God calls us, a most testing way of proceeding. At times it seems impossible. We can feel isolated and lost, yet with perseverance and experience we learn to recognize, accept and implement that Guidance. By the Grace of the same Almighty God we become quite proficient in this way of proceeding. We recognize the Communion we have with others in the same or similar situations. Time and age have their benefits notwithstanding our various failures along the way. Some 47 years in Religious Life and 37 years in Holy Orders I am especially grateful for this Guidance.

I pray that all of you recognize the Reasonable Certitude of every situation to which God calls and that you discern well that Certitude as you persevere in Faith, Hope and Charity. Almighty God Calls! Virtue directs! His Grace Confirms. Navigating this World, we remain

In the Benevolence of Jesus Christ

            Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

February 27, 2021

Sabbatum Sanctum

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 11:07 am

PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário

Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima                         17 February, 2021                 LI:1

Trav. Carlos Portes, 171

Cx. P. 101

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                                        e-mail: [email protected]


Dear Family, Colleagues, Collaborators, Benefactors and Friends,

The day arrives once each year and as with most celebrations it is a commemoration a single 24-hour period, unique in its meaning and spirit. That meaning and spirit are buried to some degree by the solemnities that immediately precede, accompany and succeed it. Yet  Holy Saturday (Sabbatum Sanctum) is DISTINCT.

It was a most somber day for the disciples of Jesus Christ especially for the Apostles. Their friend and mentor had been captured, tortured and executed. One of the elite members of the group of 12 had betrayed the Master. Their temporal leader, had denied the Master three times. Redemption had been achieved, but they knew precious little about it. They had been informed of these events in advance and at various times, but like most messages of harsh reality, the notices were ignored, forgotten or perhaps guarded in some “closed mental segment” of the human memory. These disciples were marked for a similar treatment and were hiding in fear for their lives.

One of the most intelligent among them (perhaps the most intelligent), the actual traitor was a free man, pursued by no one and wealthier than the rest of them by 30 pieces of silver. Politically and financially he was quite secure.

These disciples had questions and doubts. They had bound themselves to a Leader expelled as a pariah from His own religious roots. Their futures seemed very insecure. They may well have questioned their attraction, dedication and surrender to the teachings of their deceased Leader.

Such crisis marks EVERY disciple who has ever dared to assume the ministry of vocation (Marriage, Holy Orders, Monastic, Anchoret or Virgin). A simple, profane world beckons to each of us. Iff we ignore it, then that world threatens us. If we continue to try to follow the Master, then that world pursues us. Sacramental PEACE can mark us, but calmness of life is difficult.

Slowly approaching the half-century mark in religious life I can attest to the Spirit of Holy Saturday in my life and vocation, more than once. Yet the Virtue of Redemption remains. It dominates clarifies and expels the doubts of a profane world. It did so at the time of the first disciples and it continues to do so now. That Spirit of Holy Saturday MUST mark every legitimate vocation. It presents a Communion that is distinct and specific in itself. It is sobering and can frighten, but one must not be terrified.

Many of you have lived it perhaps without knowing it by name. Many of you constitute the Communion of Holy Saturday that I have lived, a most vibrant Communion. I thank you for your presence and invite you to join us at this season of Lenten Penance, Passover and Easter Celebration as I remain GRATEFULLY

In the love of Jesus Christ

            Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

January 14, 2021

Dynamic of Faith

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 2:44 pm

PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário

Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima                             27 November, 2020            L:3

Trav. Carlos Portes, 171

Cx. P. 101

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                                        e-mail: [email protected]


Dear Benefactors, Family, Friends, Collaborators and Colleagues,

THE Faith has a dynamic. That dynamic is sacramental. All religions within THE Faith have a dynamic. That dynamic finds definition in perseverance, surrender and obedience to Almighty God.

Persevere, Render, Yield! These are the sacramental dynamics of Transcendence (proceeding “beyond”) in and for Almighty God. Confusion, Fear, Escape; these are the dynamics of terror in and for the demonic.

Transcendence and Terror are two distinct dynamics in distinct directions and with distinct spirits that guide them. However their presence can be mysterious especially since the demonic always strives to confuse while the transcendent always strives to clarify. Clarity is essential in navigating this life. Hear the Word of God! Believe what you hear! Declare what you believe! Practice what you declare! It is all very CLEAR. Yet confusion, fear and escape enter every situation to complicate the navigation. The demon knows that by nature we detest evil. We must be confused and disoriented in order even to be tempted to evil. Thus the demon proceeds.

Since the time of our first parents as a species; confusion and disorientation have been the tools of the demonic. He succeeded in their fall. Our lot degraded as we were changed for the worse. Yet the Creator never relinquished us to evil. He promised Redemption and a Redeemer in the “fullness of time”.

That “fullness of time” required a maturity of spirit on our part as a species. We had to be prepared at least minimally to recognize and receive The Redeemer. The Old Testament is replete in its chronicle of messengers (prophets) sent by God to inform and prepare a people (the Jewish People), a nation (Ancient Israel) for the arrival of The Redeemer. The preparation of Ancient Israel for the position of universal witness to the arrival of The Redeemer required patience on the part of Almighty God and His prophets. Israel’s acceptance of that preparation was difficult to say the least. As with many nations today, the ancient Nation of Israel did not like the position of being unique in the world. They fought, persecuted and rejected God’s prophets. Yet the “fullness of time” arrived and so did The Redeemer. He too was persecuted and rejected as He is today by the “world”.

Yet for those who accepted Him He became the Standard, a source of Strength for Life, Witness and Salvation in a unique life in and for Transcendence. We celebrate the arrival of Jesus Christ in this Yuletide season recognizing that He is still rejected by a major portion of humanity. In its rejection of Him, humanity also rejects us. In our status as “rejected” perhaps lies our greatest Witness to Christ.

Join us in Witness as we celebrate the arrival of Jesus Christ, wishing all of you of a:

Happy Hanukkah-Yuletide-Christmas season and a Blessed New Year of 2021!

            In the love of Jesus Christ

            Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

September 24, 2020


Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 3:28 pm

PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário


Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima                             6 August, 2020                       L:2

Trav. Carlos Portes, 171

Cx. P. 101

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                            e-mail: [email protected]



Dear Friends, Benefactors, Family, Collaborators and Colleagues,


Definitions indicate! They specify and focus, many times serving as a starting point or passage to another realm. They may be foreign, ambiguous, esoteric and even confusing, but they mark a step. References to any legitimate position, argument or statement must find their origin in established definitions. The hard sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc.) depend on established and proven definitions.


New definitions are continuously emerging as research and progress discover new truths or further understand established ones. This dynamic of definition can lead to redefinition of an entity. The pantheon of gods that our ancestors worshipped has given way to the recognition of The One True God whom we worship; not always accepted but clearly revealed and defined as to Who and What IS.


Definitions would be much easier to understand and use if they did not have that dynamic specific to each one. Without dynamic, definitions would be fixed in meaning and probably fixed in number. However because creation has a dynamic, definitions must have dynamic. All legitimate research is directed to addressing the dynamic of creation, and The Creator in His mercy inspires that research. Slow and profound, all legitimate research proceeds in steps in order that humans and all transcending beings can progress in knowledge, understanding and wisdom as well as in data accumulation.


Explosions of data occur, but they are infrequent and well-spaced as Almighty God patiently guides creation in charity rather in mere training or fixation as would one who trains animals or programs computers. That Divine Patience extends to each of us individually, called to unique sanctity for Eternal Life. The call of each saint has its own definition and the dynamic of that definition also progresses in steps. Each of us requires a most patient charity in arriving at the sanctity to which God calls. We doubt, question, wonder and fall at times. The demon tempts us to despair. Yet the Almighty never despairs of us. Notwithstanding our weaknesses and falls, He continues to call, forgive and sustain.


These points and steps of definition are well represented in my life. Your own lives probably have similar steps of definition. As I mark 36 years in Holy Orders, 46 years in Religious Life and 74 years navigating this life, I can see the dynamic of the Divine Call challenging me to a definition of sanctity that is still incomplete and still quite mysterious to me. Only God will judge when and Iff it is complete. My faults are many. Yet the passages of definition in this life have been most blessed. ALL of you have been with me in one way or another in this dynamic which continues NOT AS I DESIRE but as God wills. I thank God and I thank each of you as I remain


Most gratefully in Jesus Christ


Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

April 11, 2020

Lenten, Pascal-Easter Season 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 2:57 pm

PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário


Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima                             11 March, 2020                        L:1

Trav. Carlos Portes, 171

Cx. P. 101

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                            e-mail: b[email protected]



Dear Friends, Colleagues, Collaborators Family and Benefactors:


Their presence was ubiquitous and in most cases seen as a threat to the Christians and other believers of that time. Yet the military, especially the soldier holds a unique and many times a venerated place in Christendom.

The distinction between military, constabulary and investigative was virtually non-existent in ancient times. The military was the noted presence. It was essential for an empire to exist and to function, especially the Roman Empire. Soldiers underwent more of a type of training rather than formation. Discipline was harsh. Salaries were low. Hours of service were long and food was probably poor and minimal. Self-discipline was a key point for any ethical conduct and such conduct many times was lacking. The profession was rife for degeneration, abuse and brutalization. These could be exercised with little or no constraint.

Yet it was the military and those serving in it whose presence strongly defined Pre-Christian times, those of the Redeemer and the New Testament epoch. Soldiers touched by the Call of God through the preaching of John the Baptist were told NOT to abandon their service, but to be honest, just and to be satisfied with their salaries; quite literally “to sanctify their service”. That was quite a challenge. With precious few rules to govern their proclivities, soldiers were open to abuse; receiving and dispensing it. Compassion and mercy were in short supply.

Soldiers were the ones who Pontius Pilot entrusted with the pre-crucifixion brutalization of Jesus Christ. Tortures of insult, scourging, crowning with thorns and personal injury could not degrade Christ in His nobility, but they did brutalize, both Him and the torturers.

At execution, soldiers discharged the specifics of the passage to Calvary, the crucifixion and verification of death. At the Resurrection it was soldiers; tired, half-asleep, perhaps sound asleep who were among the first to perceive that something extraordinary had happened. Later, these were bribed in an attempt to try to deny and hide the Resurrection. However, it was a centurion (an officer in the Roman Army) who declared:

“…that man we crucified, WAS the Son of God!”

This depth and breadth of reaction within that military is astounding.


Both in ancient and in modern times, the military hold an essential place in the Judeo-Christian Epoch. The temptation to judgment can be strong, but the Call to Virtue must dominate. I pray that The Savior’s Call dominate your lives, ministries and vocations as I wish all of you a:

“A Happy and Holy Lenten, Pascal-Easter Season!”

as I remain


Most gratefully in Jesus Christ


Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

December 25, 2019

Family Millennial Generation

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 6:33 pm



Residência Conceição                                      6 November, 2019                   XLIX:3


Cx. P. 101

93.022-630 São Leopoldo, RS                          e-mail: [email protected]



Dear Family, Benefactors, Friends Colleagues, and Collaborators:


The occurrence is rare and recognition of their presence even more rare. At 73 years of age I have encountered it for the first time in my life. For want of a more accurate and magnificent term I call it the “Family Millennial Generation”. This is a generation within one family, all descendants of one dad and one mother whose members (ALL still in this LIFE) present COMBINED ages of 1000 years or more. One or more members may have been born into Eternity. They are remembered but their ages are NOT included within this millennial total. However, the adopted are an integral part of these families.

The generation must usually number at least 12 extant members, the oldest usually around 80 years or more and the youngest about 50 years. Intervals between birth usually range between 2 to 3 years. The mother must be a woman of extraordinary strength and the dad of “Josephine” virtue, BOTH living a Biblical charity. Centuries past this was almost impossible as few people lived much beyond 50 years of age. Today it is also rare as few men and women have the strength, call or desire to bring a dozen or more children into this world.

Older members of the generation function as brothers and sisters plus quasi-parents to the younger members. The family itself must have a saintly dynamic of unity, love, morality and identity. The inevitable physical dispersion is mitigated by the strength of family communion.

Still more rare is a sequence of such generations within one family. This reflects not only and autonomous hope but a communal hope for the future. OPTIMISM is a singular characteristic of such families notwithstanding the unicity of each member. Strong family structure in essential.

The blessings of such families to a people, a culture, a nation are subtle and profound. Printed reference, such as this, cannot come close to conveying the beauty and sacramentality of these families. Yet it can present something of their magnificence.

I address it here as we prepare for the annual celebration of the Holy Family; the Annunciation, Conception, Adoption and Birth, the dynamic steps leading to the arrival of our Savior. ONE Savior arrives, yet many accompany and are born with Him and in Him. That plurality is not and cannot be replicated in any other family, but we can receive a reminder and reinforcement of that plurality in and through these Family Millennial Generations. They help us remember an essential vocation of married men and women respectively as “dads” and as “mothers”, vocations that cannot be eliminated, replaced or surpassed by culture, science or any technology.

Celebrate “Family” this season in your own families, gathered or dispersed. Have a happy:

Hanukkah-Yuletide-Christmas season and a Blessed New Year of 2020!


Most gratefully in Jesus Christ


Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.






October 11, 2019

Semi-decadal count

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 11:09 am



Residência Conceição                                      24 August, 2019                      XLIX:2


Cx. P. 101

93.022-630 São Leopoldo, RS                          e-mail: [email protected]



Dear Colleagues, Collaborators, Benefactors, Friends and Family:


This year the semi-decadal count (5-year intervals) of six major steps marking my life reaches a further plateau. Each of those six steps in that count completes another 5-year interval. These steps may mean precious little to anyone else but they mark a crucial dynamic that helps to define me. They include graduation from high school in 1964, entry into military service (U.S. Army) in 1969 entry into Religious life (Society of Jesus) in 1974, immigration to Brazil in 1979, Ordination to the Priesthood in 1984 and Third Probation in the Society of Jesus in 1989.


All of these involved some degree of discernment. At least one was obligatory by civil law at the time, another being obligatory by academic progress and the other four being obligatory by Divine Call. I will let you sift through them yourselves to perceive which ones fit where.


Each step has positive and negative aspects. Precious little planning went into any of them, although preparation was necessary for all of them. Their composite contribution however marks a flexibility that has allowed me a mobility in terms of ministries, works, apostolates and geographic service. The last of these, Third Probation, occurred at this time (August to December) of 1989. One might argue that my Dad’s birth into Eternity in August 1994 marks a seventh step in this count.


I address this sequence because 4 of these 7 steps began within the months of August and September of the respective years in which they occurred. Celebration of each has its unique tone. All are essential.


Many of you were present in one way or another for many, most or all of these steps and you may not even have been aware of your presence, nor I, for that matter as they began. Yet that presence remains crucial, as is the subtle presence of Almighty God in all of our undertakings good or bad.


For the “good”, the Almighty is ALWAYS present. Yet even in the worst, He accompanies us, never quitting on us because He is the ONLY TRUE and Ultimate JUDGE of Good and Bad. I say this with humble gratitude as I celebrate the 25 years since my Dad’s birth into Eternity, 30 years since Third Probation, 35 years since Ordination, 45 years since entry in Religious Life and 50 years since entry into the military. These years have been incredibly happy. Your presence, support and communion with me have helped make them as such. In that I continue to thank God and thank all of you as I ask God’s every blessing on you, your families as I remain


Most gratefully in Jesus Christ


Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

April 17, 2019

Gift 2

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 11:17 am

PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário

Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima         25 March, 2019                      XLIX:1

Trav. Carlos Portes, 171

Cx. P. 101

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                   e-mail: [email protected]



Dear Collaborators, Family, Benefactors, Friends and Colleagues:


Every true gift presents a dynamic, not necessarily in its physical structure but in its sequence and resonance of mystery. The essence of a gift is always somewhat mysterious because it represents something beyond the one who presents it. The presenter of the gift is actually a messenger. The physical structure of a gift usually runs its material course but the spirit in which it is presented is immortal; at times even eternal.

Gifts of collective virtue can run centuries, even millennia to emerge and then to manifest. The gift of Faith, the blessing of Benevolence, a tradition of Freedom, the inheritance of Spirit all find their beginning in inspirations rooted so deeply in antiquity that we have no exact references as to their origins. Brutalized and rejected in a profane world, the virtue of such gifts defines the unique immortality of each one. No vice cannot match nor overcome their Virtue.

These timeless gifts seem to appear, disappear and then reappear at crucial times in specific places where necessity demands their presence. They are, as has been stated, “immortal offers of benevolence”. Finance, politics and convenience play little part in the dynamic of their presence or absence. Actual need defines the dynamic of each gift.

The immortality of a gift can run to various depths, breadths and limits known only by the Creator. The gift itself assumes immortality through the Almighty who inspired the gift. Profound immortality of benevolence, many times defines the greatness of the giver and/or recipient. Sacred Scripture in various faiths is replete with mortals who received gifts of profound character of which those recipients were completely unaware. These recipients became, messengers (prophets) of the Giver, Almighty God. Even in more recent times recipients of gifts in research, exploration and investigation have been marked by greatness through the discoveries bequeath through them; Churchill, Newton, Columbus, Mendel, Sheldrake are only a few whose gifts still influence progress.

The Eternal Gift is one and only one. It has many forms, each form manifest in different ways in different epics. The arrival of the Savior, celebrated in the Hanukkah-Yuletide-Christmas season is a gift, complete in itself. However, the manifestation of that gift, the Savior and Salvation itself, was to take time, one complete generation; intense and harsh in itself. That intensity and harshness grew until it culminated in the GLORY; the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Savior Jesus Christ within one 24 hour period.

We celebrate that Passion and Glory in the Pascal Mystery of Passover and Easter. Rejected by the world as it emerged, IT remains rejected in the world today bringing persecution, exclusion and suffering to those who try to follow His Call. Yet to those who accept that Call, imperfect as we may be, Almighty God bequeaths and sustains with the Gift of “Life in Christ”, immortalizing ALL His followers.

Join us as we celebrate this Gift in Jesus Christ witnessing by our vocations, lives, works and ministries for the World:


“A Blessed Pascal-Easter Season to all!”

Gratefully, In the SAVIOR


Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

November 24, 2018

A Gift

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 3:41 am



Residência Conceição                                              8 November,, 2018                XLVIII:3


Cx. P. 101

93.022-630 São Leopoldo, RS                                  e-mail: [email protected]



Dear Benefactors, Family, Colleagues, Friends and Collaborators:


A gift is an extension, a risk through which one goes beyond one’s self. Through some degree of virtue an individual attempts to surpass his or her limits and reach to another. All gifts are initially offers. If accepted they become links, even bridges from one individual to another so that isolation of individuality transforms to a communion, perhaps even a union of autonomy.


A true gift always presents some degree of mystery, of virtue as charity and kindness that in itself can be recognized but never measured. It is a message of offer, an immortal offer of benevolence.


The man and woman united in marriage, children and parents in the communion of family, the faithful in blessing with the Almighty all exemplify the dynamic of giving as offer, reception, gratitude. That dynamic characterizes every gift.


Value of a gift can be variable, at least in the profane sense. Some gifts, financially are priceless yet of minimal practical value, a gem, a crystal, a pearl. Others are simple but of immediate value as is food for the starving. Many times the simplest of gifts (a kind word, gentle encouragement) sustain a person in life.


The dynamics of offer, reception and gratitude define every legitimate gift. Time span for that dynamic can be short, a few seconds as when a life is saved, OR it may take years to realize as that of an innocent saved from threat of a glowing yet vicious attraction. Individuals, families, communities, nations, entire cultures may be tempted as such.


The true gift always originates in virtue, some blessing of God. Among these the Christmas gift, the Christmas present holds a certain universal meaning. The mystery of virtue presents a special brilliance in the Christmas gift. No matter how many we receive, each is unique. Even replicates of the same gift have unique origins in virtue.


The most profound of gifts are the most mysterious, powerful in their message, challenging in reception, enduring in gratitude. The Christmas gift is an essential of the Hanukkah-Yuletide-Christmas season. We celebrate the Original Christmas Gift each year at this season; the arrival of the Savior, completely subtle, uniquely infinite in His presence with the Promise of Redemption, a Promise to be realized within one human generation.


Present and receive gifts especially now. Be grateful! We here in Brazil remain most grateful to you and to God for your benevolence. Celebrate with us the arrival of The Original Christmas Gift; the One, Jesus Christ. Have a BLESSED 2019. We continue:


Gratefully, In HIM


Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

September 11, 2018


Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 2:11 pm



Residência Conceição                                              22 August, 2018                      XLVIII:2


Cx. P. 101

93.022-630 São Leopoldo, RS                                  e-mail: [email protected]



Dear Collaborators, Benefactors, Friends, Family and Colleagues:


Discipline is a sobering word. With connotations of threat and even pain, we know that it is necessary, especially as self-discipline, if anyone is to face the world, navigate in it and progress without falling to it. As with Love, Discipline is acquired and developed rather than merely learned. It has a cost, a price in terms of effort. Lack of discipline has an even greater cost and that cost can be mortal. It is through Discipline that we show Love.


A major challenge of childhood and adolescence is to become disciplined in some basic sense so that we can begin to navigate life, receive vocations and develop within the vocation to which God calls. Parents, ministers, pastors, instructors and professors are indispensible to this process of acquiring discipline.


Complications arise in that they too are acquiring discipline. Husband and wife are learning to be parents. Instructors are learning to be educators.  Pastors are learning to be shepherds. Preachers are learning to be messengers. Ministers are learning to bestow.


At some stage in this dynamic, the external function of acquiring discipline broadens to the internal function of developing self-discipline. Rigor of acquisition can easily become perverted into a brutality and even violence of mere training. In place of charitable virtue, the bitterness of vice, even hatred can arise. Personal and collective degeneracy can ensue. Solid theistic Judeo-Christian Universal formation through the sacramental family, parish and communion are crucial. They have no substitutes.


The 72 years since I entered this world, 44 years of religious life and 34 years in the Priesthood of Jesus Christ have seen absolute necessity of this dynamic of discipline and self-discipline. Imperfect in me, to be sure, it has still allowed me to exercise mobility of mind, body, spirit and transcendence in responding to the Call of Almighty God. That mobility has found strength, depth and focus in all of you, your support both material and spiritual during this entire vocation. Your presence during this continuing process has been and remains a most distinct Blessing, a unique Gift from Almighty God. For this I do thank you as I remain


Most gratefully in Jesus Christ


Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

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