April 30, 2018

Reality of Salvation

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 7:42 pm

PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário


Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima   19 February, 2018              XLVIII:1

Trav. Carlos Portes, 171

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                        e-mail: [email protected]



Dear Benefactors, Friends, Collaborators, Family and Colleagues:


Salvation is a reality; objective in its presence, mysterious by measure, challenging to witness. By one presence, one stroke, one conquest, The One Redeemer realized Salvation. Quite simple for revelation, divine in recognition, it is impossible to explain. The most profound of scholars can explain it no better that the most innocent of children. Yet it calls. The Creator-Redeemer-Sustainer calls THROUGH Redemption TO Salvation.


Saints are called by its power. Sinners are driven by its mystery. Intellects are confused by its totality. Tyrants are maddened by its omnificence. The redeemed are guided by its power. Scholars are confounded by its simplicity, historians are challenged by its intensity.


At one point, within some 36 hours, The Redeemer faced, accepted and discharged the one, unique and complete task of Salvation, the defeat of evil with a victory so complete that many actually have fear to consider it. They are more content in ignoring it. Yet that same Redeemer calls beyond contentment. He calls to Peace, and His perseverance in that call is constant.


We celebrate Him and His victory in the Eucharistic sacrifice each day, but more publically in the Lenten-Pascal Season. Never capable of fully grasping Salvation completely, we do well to allow it to grasp us, NOT as possession, but as Gift as we at least try to relinquish to His call in our lives, vocations and ministries, our sins and weaknesses notwithstanding.


Join us in this “surrender” as we recognize our limits, confess our wrongs and proceed by Conversion in Witness to the Savior, Jesus Christ professing by our lives and works to and for the World:


“A Blessed Easter to all and for all!”


Most gratefully in Jesus Christ


Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

December 23, 2017

Christmas 2017: Navigating

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 5:01 pm



Residência Conceição                                              24 November, 2017                 XLVII:3


Cx. P. 101

93.022-630  São Leopoldo, RS                                  e-mail: [email protected]



Dear Family, Friends, Benefactors, Colleagues and Collaborators:


Migration, immigration, peregrination: these are words of fluidity; biological, animal, human. They abound in Creation and Creation abounds with them. Life itself is one continuous migration, from the moment of our inception, to conception, birth into the World and finally birth into Eternity. Many, if not most of us might prefer life less varied, more stable, more predictable, sedentary, controlled, and stunted life of impediment. The situation of the slave may be repugnant to our politics, but it is most inviting to our ego. Ask any addict to food, drugs, sex, violence or drink. Yet besides being dull, absolute predictability and control are impossible. The Call to virtue, as well as confusion and vice, all guarantee instability, unpredictability and variety, for better or for worse.


However we are called beyond submission to vice, beyond the unknown and the unforeseen, beyond slavery. We are called to foresee, to venture and to Hope. A steady, intense daily grind in work, projects, ministries, challenges and problems can tire even exhaust an individual. An occasional rest is necessary, lest a person become depressed and fall prey to the slavery of addiction.


Many prefer addiction to the Sacramental Call of Hope. Addiction is immediate in its gratification but devastating in its degeneracy. It stunts and destroys migration; physical, mental, spiritual and sacramental. Many addicts however focus on the gratification with little or no attention to degeneracy which is usually subtle, profound and ruthless. Not only individuals but entire populations, nations and cultures can embrace addiction and, as with individuals, they thus embrace their own impedance, degradation and demise.


Our human condition was, in fact condemned to the slavery of addiction to impediment and destruction. Mired in addiction, we instituted the slavery of chattels, violence and dominance, promoting and legalizing such addiction. Such legislation and institution is historical and abounds even today. Yet as it was historically, it remains today; degrading, devastating, degenerating.


Our Creator realized this. Thus He came; Himself, Personally in us, by Himself and through Himself to redeem us, our Savior Jesus Christ. We celebrate His arrival in this annual Yuletide-CHRISTMAS season.


No matter where you are in the world when this message reaches you, I wish you:

A most SACRAMENTAL Hanukkah-Yuletide-Christmas season and a Blessed New Year of 2018!


Gratefully in Jesus Christ


Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

September 16, 2017


Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Edward Benya @ 4:33 pm



Residência Conceição                                              18 August, 2017                      XLVII:2


Cx. P. 101

93.001-970 São Leopoldo, RS                                  e-mail: [email protected]



Dear Friends, Benefactors, Collaborators, Colleagues and Family:


Smoke is an indistinct word in itself! Broad in form (noun, verb, adjective) it can have many meanings. Context says everything .In years past, “Smoke?” was a simple introductory offer that helped break initial tensions of encounter. A simple cigarette could initiate proceedings between common people. Today that is in decline.

“Smoke! Fire!” can be an alarm, a call to awareness and action, as an emergency arises. Centuries and even decades past that call was a community alarm to mobilization as neighbors of a settlement, town or village quickly gathered to face a sudden common threat; unplanned fire. “Smoked” perishables (meats, cheese, etc.) have a history dating from millennia past as “smoking” was a basic necessary method of preservation. Still available today, such commodities are more a luxury than a necessity.

Many North American Indians, indigenous peoples used tobacco as a fuel for pipes of peace between their villages and peoples of distance, persons of different origin as the “peace pipe” served as a symbol of welcome, calm and even reconciliation. Notwithstanding its hazards and abuses, tobacco can still serve as a distinct symbol for and of these peoples. Many indigenous Peoples used “smoke signals” to convey messages in spacious but relatively close geographic regions to rapidly inform allies of a crucial event or sudden change of plan.

The “smoke signal” also makes its presence in at least one very European setting but quite universal in its scope. With a variability that is highly unpredictable, the “Ecclesiastical Conclave” convenes cardinals of the Catholic Church at each vacancy of the “Chair of Peter”, usually when the Bishop of Rome dies but also when he formally resigns. In conclave, these men are sealed in conference with NO contact with the outside world. They receive food indirectly as they are charged with the task of selecting (by vote, proclamation or appointment) a successor to the Vicar of Christ. Their only contact with the outside world is by “smoke signals”; twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon UNTIL they find a Vicar. Votes are taken these 4 times each day until someone, either among them or external, receives two thirds PLUS 1 of the voting cardinals present. Ballots are burned after each vote. IFF the vote does NOT achieve the 2/3 + 1, the ballots are burned with a chemical mixture yielding black smoke. IFF the necessary count is achieved or surpassed, the ballots are burned with another chemical mix rendering white smoke, a sign of a successor. The “smoke signal” is crucial.

Thus Catholic ecclesiastics and American Indians use the smoke signal as an essential tool of communications. Our personal communication can seem “smoky” at times especially if we are not in complete control (which for most of the time we are NOT).

Among religious, that “smokiness” can be profuse. Yet Almighty God always proceeds in and for clarity. That clarity has been most profound these 33 years since I was ordained especially in the benevolence and charity He has shown in and through you. I do thank you as I also thank God as I pray that He bless you and your families always.


Gratefully in Jesus Christ

April 3, 2017

Celebrations: LENTEN-EASTER 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 11:13 am

PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário


Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima                      11 March, 2017                        XLVII:1

Trav. Carlos Portes, 171

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                                e-mail: [email protected]



Dear Friends, Benefactors, Collaborators, Colleagues and Family:


Celebrations are crucial to our “being”. They help define us. Some celebrations are strictly hedonistic; debauchery in their origin and manner; a drunken binge, a divorce, an abortion, mere degradation. Some celebrations are of a singular moment; conception, Baptism, Confirmation, Bar Mitzvah. Others are remembrances as an annual event, commemoration of a personal step, a rite of passage, a dynamic; birthdays marriage, ordination, maturation, victory in life.


A celebration may be stark or sobering; national victories in combat, battle and even war whose costs temper the joy of victory. Personal victories over proclivities, addictions and degeneration are humble memorials to degradation that is recognized and conquered each day in small, short, certain steps, not by our own power but by virtue in Almighty God. Saint Paul had a least one such memorial in him whose origin he called a “thorn of Satan”. He apparently had to face it each day and had various degrees of success in that battle. He prayed to be completely free of it but God left him to face it each day as a reminder of his dependence on the Savior.


However, most celebrations are joyful. Usually on an annual basis, we thank God for a unique, singular blessing without which we would not be where we are. Birthdays into this world are instituted by relatives for family rather than celebrations of an event by children who have no recollection of the date or event.


Wedding anniversaries are celebrations of initial attraction between a man and a woman, but, given time and virtue, develop into celebrations of victories large and small over temptation, doubt and personal limits as the “two become one” in Almighty God.


Consecration to the Creator, personal or public, merits celebration especially considering the hedonistic onslaught that such consecration must endure.


However all legitimate celebration carries an aspect of sobriety, recognizing that one has overcome a challenge beyond one’s self. Humble gratitude is the hallmark.


One annual celebration is steeped in sobriety; the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Savior. Our participation is indisputable as culprits for the event. Yet His Compassion, Mercy and Charity are the arms with which He conquered evil. We gratefully mark that conquest in the humble preparation and celebration of the Lenten-Pascal Season. Join us in this CELEBRATION with a:



Gratefully in Jesus Christ

December 13, 2016


Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 2:10 pm



Residência Conceição                                              29 November, 2016                 XLVI:3


Cx. P. 101

93.001-970 São Leopoldo, RS                                  e-mail: [email protected]




Dear Friends, Family, Colleagues, Collaborators and Benefactors:


LAW is a term that implies authority and substance of truth. Mathematical laws may well be invariable. Physical and chemical laws are solid. Biological laws are dynamic while Social laws can be flexible. Even Political laws can have a guiding function.


“The Law of God” however is a basic term; foreboding in its suggestion, infinite in its scope and thoroughly useful in its application. Originally given as 10 commandments, Jesus Christ reduced that Law to two; Love of God and love of neighbor. These are clear enough in their decrees yet challenging in their application because they have a vibrancy that functions ONLY by the action of the Spirit of God, The Holy Spirit. Without that Spirit the Law reduces to “foreboding suggestion” which arouses in many (if not most) of us…fear; fear of error, fear of retribution. Since the demands of the world operate without mercy, those fears of error and retribution are reinforced thus strengthening the foreboding suggestion of the Law of God.


However with even minimal courage on our part, the Spirit of God allows us to expand, proceeding beyond fear, perceiving the infinite in personal experience of Almighty God. Thus begins the unique Witness, the Testimony of each saint, mysterious in its fullness yet profoundly simple in its depth. Class, intelligence, race, origin or status present no barriers. The laborer, scholar, manager, soldier, constable, follower or leader all have equal access to that Spirit. The Law of God becomes a guide more than a threat as that Spirit gently informs. Virtue is defined and develops. The sinner must still face temptation and at times may even fall. However Virtue dominates as we learn to recover in constant Hope.


The Savior himself, Jesus Christ made solid use of that Law. His personal rigor on HIMSELF was brutal, FAR from the MERCY He shows us in the sequence of falls and recoveries that mark our navigation of this life. Prayer, Fast and Abstinence marked and informed the Command He had of the apostles and disciples He had called to follow him. We tend to forget that personal rigor in our attempts to “follow Him”. He did NOT exempt Himself from the Law but “born under the law” followed it with The Spirit that He graciously offers us. Nor does He however expect that same rigor of us, but a sacramental, merciful rigor, firm and vibrant in its application as we trod this life.


We celebrate His conception and birth at this Advent-Christmas season. I pray that your personal celebration be mercifully rigorous in Him as I wish you a:

BLESSED Hanukkah-Yuletide-CHRISTMAS season and HAPPY NEW YEAR of 2017!

Gratefully in Christ


Ed Benya, S.J.

September 24, 2016

Time as relative

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 6:09 pm



Residência Conceição                                      30 August, 2016                     XLVI:2


Cx. P. 101

93.001-970 São Leopoldo, RS                          e-mail: [email protected]




Dear Family, Friends, Colleagues, Benefactors and Collaborators:


Time is a relative measure of sequence; objective in count yet subjective in accuracy. A year is defined by a planetary revolution, its orbit, around a star. However a year varies with the planet and the star. In the case of the earth and the sun, that revolution takes 12 months or 365.25 days (366 days on leap year); variable because of yearly spatial lag in completion of the orbit.


Yet time is crucial in daily function of awakening, prayer, feeding, work, relaxation and rest. It then extends to seasonal activities of cultivation, hunting, fishing, culture and preservation. It continues to annual operations of commerce, evaluation and renewal. These diverse activities then present their own timing variability depending on region, climate, environment, condition and age of the individual. We tend to move more slowly with age.


Holy Scripture nicely captures the relativity of all timing by recognizing that before Almighty God


“…one day is as a thousand years…and a thousand years are as one day..”.


Such variability may be nerve-wracking for researchers, philosophers and educators attempting to quantify dynamic systems, but that same variability provides Hope for pilgrims and sinners trying to navigate this life. The absolute truth or error of that navigation lies solely by the Judgment of God for which all of us can be grateful. The Creator inspires Saint Paul to recognize that we are in the “End Times”. So it is. However, the precise length of this End Time is known only to the Almighty.


This is most inspiring to those of us particularly prone to error. The promise of recovery, new beginning after a fall, is the Promise of Salvation. Salvation is characterized by patience; patience of the Creator towards His creatures, a patient charity that should extend within and through each of us for one another AND patience with ourselves.


These 32 years of ordination have seen the blessing of patient charity of all of you with me as I navigate this life, vocation and hemisphere with falls and errors, but also in witness and with gains, all blessings of Almighty God. I thank that same Almighty God and I thank you for that patient charity. It extends in ways you cannot even imagine.

Gratefully in Christ


Ed Benya, S.J.

February 29, 2016


Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 4:06 pm

PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário


Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima                      24 February, 2016                    XLVI:1

Trav. Carlos Portes, 171

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                                e-mail: [email protected]



Dear Friends, Benefactors, Collaborators, Family, and Colleagues:


“Cancellation” is one of a number of sobering words. It indicates an end, term or completion, loss of function, usually in sadness, suggesting relief at best, seldom associated with joy. A cancelled order becomes null. A cancelled seal or stamp may be collectible but the original function to verify has ended.


Various disciplines and careers use cancellation in distinct application. A cancelled class, lecture or debate may bring a sigh of relief, but the educational dynamic is altered. A cancelled trial or experiment may eliminate tension, but the problem in question remains unresolved.


Cancellations in nature can be especially subtle, hardly perceived as they begin or even progress; yet profound, sometimes irreversible in their effects. Cancelled digestive functions can lead to malnutrition, even starvation and death. Cancelled skeletal structure can lead to physical collapse, even breakage. Cancelled neural functions can lead to dementia or mental collapse. Cancelled reproductive functions can lead to sterility on an individual and collective level; even population crash and extinction in plants, animals and humans. Such cancellations present distinct questions usually in a multi-generational sequence. Dynamics of Creation can revert to a basic or ground state. The researcher, intellectual and prophet may recognize and fortell them, but a day-to-day navigator hardly perceives them until their depth seems abysmal. By then only brute discipline can restore the agronomic, selvic, social and ambiental health that stewardship demands.


Cancelled sacramental functions can lead to spiritual regression, closure and pagan ritual where individuals and even entire groups exist merely for immediate pleasure or security with little concern beyond one’s self. Transcendental cancellation is uniquely insidious, completely grounded in deceit and confusion. Such spiritual cancellation crushed us through the fall of our first parents. We wallowed in the “ground state of evil” unable to exit on our own in the face of that evil, itself a cancellation of life, requiring a resurgence of body and spirit. In the “fullness of time” our Redeemer arrived. In one solid intense strike He conquered evil; cancelled it.


We celebrate that conquest with distinct intensity during the Quaresmal-Pascal season, with humble contrition and sober celebration in Communion with each other and with Jesus Christ, the Redeemer. Join us in this Communion iff you wish with a healthy penance and solid conversion; life that is redeemed in Salvation.



Gratefully in Jesus Christ

Ed Benya, S.J.

December 3, 2015

Christmas-Yuletide, Simple and profound

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Edward Benya @ 11:28 am



Residência Conceição                                      23 November, 2015               XLV:3


Cx. P. 101

93.001-970 São Leopoldo, RS                          e-mail: [email protected]



Dear Benefactors, Collaborators, Family, Friends and Colleagues:


As the light of days grows shorter, the nights grow longer for those who live in the northern hemisphere. The reverse runs here for us in the southern hemisphere. That dynamic and alternation has been in place long before any humans made their appearance on this earth and it may well outrun our presence here.


An obvious lighting and heating mechanism for the earth, it also serves as a natural timing mechanism for life in its diverse forms especially plants and animals whose numerous internal systems frequently are governed by light intensity, length and accompanying effects. Research and scientists devote vast amounts of time, money and effort in a continuing quest to identify, understand and even control the multiplicity of life cycles associated with light and temperatures. The human species is blessed with a fascination for and with life cycles up to and including immortality. That fascination is legitimate. As the most mobile of species on earth in terms of physical, social, psychological and spiritual range, we are the stewards, the ministers of the complex entity that embodies those life cycles, an entity called “creation”.


That stewardship is unique to us. Other creatures may biologically out-run, out-swim, out-build or even out-survive us on an individual basis. However we are the species that out-thinks the others, no small task when one considers the multitude of questions in, of and pertaining to creation. All imaginative thought has its origins in God THROUGH the soul, BY the mind of an individual inspired by God. Thus arise legitimate questions.


Inspiration however can be perverted by sin. This adds degenerative complication to the singular beauty of creation. Dishonest and invalid questions can arise. Stewardship can be perverted from a broad, probing, guiding, ministry to a narrow, degenerate manipulation that destroys rather than nurtures the dynamic of creation.


Perversion entered the world through a demonic move that confused and confounded our first parents. They fell, and the wreckage of that fall was hereditary, passed from one generation to another in a cycle of degeneracy.


That cycle was broken with the arrival of the Savior. The cycle of degeneracy was opened and we escaped. Yet that escape is dynamic. We are free to return to the demonic cycle. Some, in fact, choose to return as individuals, groups, cultures, even nations. Evil has its attractions.


However the call of Salvation never ceases. The Savior, Jesus Christ arrived and completed His mission. We celebrate that arrival at this Christmas-Yuletide season. Simple and profound, I wish all of you a most:


Gratefully in Jesus Christ

Padre Ed Benya, S.J.

September 28, 2015

Season of Opening

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 8:38 am



Residência Conceição                                      4 September, 2015                XLV:2


Cx. P. 101

93.001-970 São Leopoldo, RS                          e-mail: [email protected]



Dear Benefactors, Collaborators, Family, Friends and Colleagues:


September is one of four referential months on this planet, presenting dates that specify the change from one season to another. Here in the southern hemisphere 21 September usually marks the beginning of the spring season while in the northern hemisphere it usually indicates the beginning of autumn. Direct opposites regarding weather, they are also opposites in terms of cultivation. Spring is the season of opening. Hibernating plants emerge from dormancy. Their buds open as they resume growth and reproduction by flowering.

Farmers, gardeners and cultivators open the earth in preparation for planting. Husbandry of livestock, many times involves a grazing or browsing management of plain, prairie and savannah regions in a stewardship that is specific for each land, region and climate. Basic command of these ambient criteria is necessary for any prolonged, sustained and intensive productivity of a region. Short term, intensive degradation management is always possible, but it has its final cost in a diminution or even cancellation of productive capacity of that region.

Thus along with the physical-technical activities of regional husbandry, a sacramental attention to ambiental criteria defines a spirituality that discerns and recognizes specifics of sustained production. That spirituality may be difficult to define and teach, but it is readily recognized, imparted and applied by persons, families and communities having communion with the earth and through the land.

My personal involvement with this husbandry has been broad and varied, especially when I was young. Now in my senior years, that involvement is limited to garden and orchard activities principally in the semi-arid tropics of Northeast Brazil in a spirit of opening that is continuously mysterious and challenging.

That spirit of OPENING continues in life and in vocation. It must! If it ceases, closure replaces it. Temptation to closure is constantly present. Once implanted closure limits an individual and sets in motion a process of diminution; not sacramental diminution, like that of Saint John the Baptist, but destructive diminution of demonic origin. Destructive diminution has plagued me in my life, subtly and insidiously. Yet with the Grace of God, one can overcome such diminution through honest, simple openness in a dynamic that receives the Call and Challenge of Almighty God, failing at times, but recovering and progressing in crucial steps of opening.

I celebrate 31 years of one such crucial step in this season of opening; my ordination as presbyter in the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. Many who honored me with their presence at that time have already passed to Eternity. Yet many continue in this life. I remember you with gratitude; gratitude to Almighty God and gratitude to all of you in a spirit of opening that defines our continuing journey to Eternal life, as I remain

Gratefully in Christ

Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

March 27, 2015

Never Dally within a Grave

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 3:49 pm

PAROQUIA – Nossa Senhora do ROSÁRIO


Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima                                27 February, 2015         XLV:1

Trav. Carlos Portes, 171

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                   e-mail: [email protected]


Dear Friends, Colleagues, Benefactors, Collaborators & Family:


Jesus Christ had the right idea: Never stay in a grave more than three days. That teaching holds true to this day especially if the grave is not yours. In reality few if any individuals actually go into a grave, but their remains do, while the essential being, the soul, is born into eternity, a transcendental shift that many if not most people accept.

Occasionally an entire being (body and soul) finds himself interred or almost interred. My personal experience is limited in the matter but quite memorable. In novitiate I was “third string” grave digger behind John, the hired man, and Brother Jim, both being most accomplished excavators. I had personally dug graves, always with a shovel, spade or other such implement. However with two such accomplished professionals at my fore, possibilities of my actual function in the job seemed remote.

Yet the Grace of God knows no limits. Both gentlemen were absent (in reserved military maneuvers and annual retreat respectively). Notice arrived of the “departure” of a brother in Christ. Yours-truly was on call with the blessing of the superior and little else. That call seemed simple enough as it could easily be resolved with a pick and shovel. I soon learned that the “shovel” to be used was a backhoe; quick, powerful and accurate, but in my case slow, sloppy and perilous …, since I had never previously operated one.

I quickly learned that it was a functional extension of one’s arm, and like one’s arm at a delicately set dinner table, one could shatter the greater part of an attractive setting (carefully aligned tomb stones in this case) with one awkward move. Slowly I proceeded as time progressed to the hour of burial. Excavation was easy enough as I quickly removed about a ton of earth forming a hole of disproportional dimensions in a “Y” shape some 3 meters deep at one end and perhaps 1 meter at the other; anything but acceptable as a grave. I resorted to the shovel. I began digging at one end and filling the other. In surprisingly little time I had the standard oblong-shaped grave of desired dimensions.

Immediately another problem became most apparent. At almost 2 meters depth, I was personally near or over my head in the grave and, the now-loosened soil of the Mississippi delta, in no way supported my efforts to remove myself. From there (as best as I remember) I used the shovel as a foot support whose elevation was just enough for me to leap and land flat on the external ground surface thus extricating myself from the grave. Quickly I removed the backhoe from sight, stashed the hand tools and exited the scene in time for the funeral to tranquilly proceed with no sign of the preceding dilemmas.

Thus I return to the original point of this message: NEVER DALLY WITHIN A GRAVE. Fortunately Jesus Christ is always one, not only to invite, but also to demonstrate how to resolve a question. He founded and established the Transcendental Universal Christian Faith replete with specifics for immortality and, in fact, personally discharged those specifics TO Immortality up to and including…. exit from a grave.

We celebrate that Transcendence during the Quaresmal-Pascal season in a witness to Him and with Him to the world and to creation. Join us in these celebrations and witness for a:



With blessings in the Risen Christ

Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

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