PAROQUIA – Nssa Senhora do ROSÁRIO
Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima 17 November, 2023 LIII:3
Trav. Carlos Pontes, 171
62.900-000 Russas, Ceará
BRASIL e-mail: [email protected]
Dear Benefactors, Colleagues, Family, Friends, and Collaborators,
“The Fullness of Time” is a most profound statement that embraces and conveys a depth of meaning at various steps of history, especially of Salvation History. As a declaration it attempts to capture the dynamic mystery of time (a constantly changing entity) in one simple phrase, not as a changing entity but as a “constant”. In Eternity there is no past or future. All is in the present. However, within our own situation of continuous change time is crucial. Yet it is uncertain as an entity and as a measure. It presents difficulties.
Dynamics themselves are tricky because of their variability, a variability that is usually unique to each dynamic. Formulas, models and equations help with the task of understanding dynamics, but the gathered presence of profane and spiritual qualities constituting a subject complicates the matter. Thus the simple declaration (“The Fullness of Time”) allows a general statement while permitting each participant to ponder the specifics of the mystery.
Most of the specifics of the Mystery of Salvation are unique to that Mystery. Almighty God is the author. He, and ONLY He, knows the totality of that Mystery. Yet His revelation to us and the Mystery of Salvation is a gift whose overall value we comprehend but cannot fully understand. The fact is that Revelation has arrived. Its manifestation is a continuing dynamic in “the fullness of time”.
ARRIVAL of the Savior is documented, complete in “The Fullness of Time”. The Promise of Salvation became the Dynamic of Salvation as the life span of the Savior in this life began and was realized over some 33 years.
Our understanding of Salvation is lacking but developing, a dynamic of manifestation. We try to live that manifestation day by day. Celebration of the Savior is essential to our daily life. It provides a reference, a ground-work, a motive to our perseverance IN the Savior.
We celebrate that ARRIVAL of the Savior Jesus Christ. We celebrate the beginning of the sequence of activities realizing Salvation. We celebrate the presence of the Savior among us in the Hanukkah-Yuletide-Christmas season. I invite you, along with your families and communities to join us in spirit for these celebrations as I wish you a:
Happy Hanukkah-Yuletide-Christmas season and Blessed New Year of 2024!
Gratefully in the Love of Jesus Christ,
Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.